we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.
Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.
we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.
Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.
@foone I wish I could do this, but I'm no good at "patter", especially while I'm coding.
I also use a font size that I have been told is "insanely small", and I suspect video compression will make it unreadable.
But, I don't mind showing off my ~~mistakes~~ happy little syntax trees and I've (re)started coding for myself several hours each day.
I really should find an PeerTube instance or something and start streaming; I can work on video quality and viewer interaction later, I guess.