The "F(x)tec PRO¹" looks like the smartphone I miss the most: "HTC Desire Z" ❤️ From their site it seems fxtec is shipping the pro1 in 10-12 weeks. LinageOS and Ubuntu support, so probably not a phone for the mass market, but I for sure know i want one and Linux is absolutely a big +! #Freedom #LinuxPhone #LineageOS
Edited 116d ago
@DoomBananas didn’t they stop shipping new phones? Maybe @linmob knows for sure but I could have sworn they shipped out some initial batches and then stopped and went quiet.
@Luigi311 @DoomBananas Yes, I did not follow it closely, but we had a lengthy video about 4 month ago linked in a Weekly Update:
I guess they shipped some units in 2022, stopped, and continued in 2024.