Zuckerberg Boasts He Will Be AI God King Because We Already Gave Him All Our Data https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xgwp5z/zuckerberg-meta-earnings-call-ai-we-already-gave-him-all-our-data #MarkZuckerberg #Meta #Facebook #Facebook20 #AI #FuckZuck #data #privacy
@lashman @MediaActivist Great. Another reason never to touch Facebook again. I made the decision to not actively use the Facebook app about a year or 2 ago, and I deleted all my posts and made a new one explaining that I would never be coming back, and that I want people to remove pictures of me from their profiles and posts entirely.
@MediaActivist @lashman Apparently there's been a lot of users, specifically younger users, who have started distancing themselves from Facebook. Unfortunately, they choose Snap Chat as an alternative, from what I heard.
@MediaActivist @dangero fingers crossed 🤞