New blog post!
In which I talk about how I am getting back to astrophotography, show a new picture I took just a few days ago, and also vent my growing frustrations about hardware issues when taking pictures of the night sky.
New blog post!
In which I talk about how I am getting back to astrophotography, show a new picture I took just a few days ago, and also vent my growing frustrations about hardware issues when taking pictures of the night sky.
@stfn welcome back :)
I just had the exact same issue with my celestron cgx in the last two nights. It used to work just fine a few months back and out of the blue phd2 wouldn't calibrate because it cannot move the mount. Slewing is just fine but as soon as I start calibrating it ends after a few seconds with this error.
I spend two nights figuring it out and in the end the issue was that the mount was not in tracking mode. As soon as I clicked "start tracking" in the celestron software phd2 would calibrate just fine.
Maybe it did work before because I slewed to a target prior or used the handcontroller to set it up, don't know. Maybe this helps you too :)