it's happening! Jamel Debbouze got lost, lmao
They literally put the ceremony on the Seine and every delegation are on their own boat, that's genius
Lady Gaga signing in French? whaaaaat
the fact the countries parade, the flame, and other stuff are happening at the same time is geniusnormally the countries take like 3 hours where nothing happens except the commentators saying some fun facts about each country
god damn Radio-Canada stop putting ads during the funny Assassin's Creed cutscenes
Radio-Canada's sign language guy looks like he really likes his jobnice
they're low-key recommending French books to read
it's that girl everyone hates for some reasonI don't like her either but hey, it doesn't mean I think she shouldn't be there
of course they stole the Mona Lisa like in 1911 and the Assassin's Creed guy (or girl?) have to investigate