@janbeta as mentioned in the YT comment: i consider the guns a "consumable", and the ones with the "side lever" seem to be of at least a bit more quality.
(sorry, no better picture at hand)
@adorfer Nice! Do you happen to have a link to one of those? My gun currently still works fine but I’m pretty sure I’ll need another one at some point. As you say, they are more or less consumables unfortunately.
@janbeta bought it from an international seller via ebay, seems not available any more "in grey". But looks similar to https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07L3XP11D
Mine (the original ZD915) was labled "24V/80W", so i am unsure if this fits yours running on 18(?)V.
In plus i found some threads arguing about different/incompatible thermocouple values. so it's probably some more guesswork.