@bhhaskin Nice! Did you take the shots in 2017? That was a very wet year. I would have loved to have floated the Quinn River into the Black Rock, but didn't get around to it. Ya, the morning I hauled my kayak out there it looked like this.
@elaterite took them 07/04/13
Since it was the 4th a ton of people where out there scattered around.
It rained pretty good that day and the following morning we pulled like 5 cars that got stuck out of the mud.
@elaterite that was on the very edge of the playa
@elaterite the drive out on the 3rd was pretty crazy.
@bhhaskin I really wish people would avoid driving on wet back country roads. It just makes a mess of things. I get that you sometimes get caught.
@elaterite yeah that's pretty much what happened here everyone got caught out.
@bhhaskin I'm old enough to remember the playa before Burning Man. It use to be as hard as concrete & there were only three "roads." One went up to Soldier Meadows, one to the Black Rock itself, & one to Sulfur. There was a stray track or two where people drove off willy-nilly, but other than that, it was pretty pristine. Also, Native artifacts around the perimeter of the playa use to be as thick as cigarette butts were in a '60s urban area. Now the playa is ankle deep in dust. :/