@stfn Time watching the skies is well spent :) Btw, never really thought about a preferred eye, is that a thing? 🤔 Now I have to think about it the next time I use my scope :D
@chrizzly_astrophotography yep, people have dominant eyes as they have dominant hands :) When you look through a camera viewfinder, or a telescope lens, or even through a small you hole, you must probably have a preffered eye
@stfn Now that you mentioned the viewfinder of a camera, it clicked for me and I clearly see how I have a dominant eye (its my right eye). For telescope viewing I always tried both eyes if I can see more details with one or the other :D
Edited 11d ago
@chrizzly_astrophotography and is there a difference for you in detail when using one eye or another? interesting!