When I moved to mementomori.social I just copied and pasted my old introduction, so it's time for a new one!
👋 I'm David (or D. or Dave). I'm queer, I'm nonbinary, I'm a parent, I'm a physicist, and I live in Helsinki. I'm currently working 50% part time so I can take care of my kid.
💁 On Fedi I post in a personal capacity about things that interest me. That does include physics, but also how to make academia (and society) a friendlier, more welcoming place. I try to learn about, develop and put into use innovative teaching and supervision methods.
🛤️ I love trains and slow travel, but I'm not really travelling so much these days since becoming a parent. I therefore try to highlight the need for scientific conferences and events to be hybrid or online, amongst other accessibility measures that benefit everyone.
🌄 The outdoors is my happy place, I spend lots of time wandering around (or these days pushing a buggy), and enjoy hiking when I can. Still trying to improve my bird recognition skills. I love gardening and gardens as well, and hope to have one I can potter about in again quite soon.
💬 I always try to add alt text, always grateful for feedback on improving what I write.
🇫🇮 I communicate in Finnish at B2 level and French at B1 level (this means I can listen to the radio and read news articles in both languages), but this account is mostly in English. Do please however feel free to write to me in Finnish or French, and apologies in advance for typos in my replies.
🙍 It can be very tempting but I try not to boost, interact with or bring up politics here, except how it intersects with my above interests. I have filters set up for many politics keywords. Politics matters a lot to me, but this is not where I discuss it, and this way I keep Fedi a place of joy for me.
🚫 I CW at least selfies, food and drink, and direct politics references.
Feel free to follow me, but unless we've interacted, I'm unlikely to follow back to keep my feed manageable.
Some tags: #introduction #queer #parenting #physics #science #LGBTQInSTEM #QueerInStem #LGBTQ #Helsinki #trains #SlowTravel #accessibility #hiking #gardening #outdoors
Avatar alt text: a picture of me with hair slightly splayed out because I'm moving my head to the side.
Header alt text: An autumnal view down Justinjohka valley in Sápmi, viewed from Inarinpolku.