@davidrevoy Very good news, and interesting email from BenjaminTissoires.
@davidrevoy A great example for open-source development. Glad to hear that your issue has been fixed.
En plus t’as même fait une chic illustration. C’est super que tu prennes le temps — et le plaisir, j’imagine ! — de faire une illus’ pour un article.
À la place du dev, je crois que je prendrais ça comme un remerciement plus ou moins direct. 😁
@davidrevoy "The buttons are also now perfectly customisable via xsetwacom CLI tool."
New *and* improved! Woohoo!
@davidrevoy What for a loving depiction of a kernel hacker!
@davidrevoy Un artwork plus "sombre", magnifique, comme d'hab, qui mériterait bien une bd entière.
Heureux qu'il y ait une issue positive à ton souci.
Et avec f39 ?
@davidrevoy I'll always think of kernel developers as cheeky penguins fixing stuff from now on! I received an xppen tablet (different model) recently as a birthday gift. Thanks for this write up, I will go through this post next weekend. I am sure it will be valuable in improving its performance.
@davidrevoy Yay, happy to hear it, David :)
@davidrevoy Retooting for the *rad* image of a penguin doing tech support.
📽️ Painting process of the illustration.
📦 Sources: https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/viewer/misc__2023-11-12_Linux-dev-fix-my-styluses_by-David-Revoy.html
@davidrevoy that's great !
@davidrevoy Not directly related, but this might be a fun thing to try in the future, when available.
"D-POINT is an open-source digital stylus that uses camera tracking and inertial measurements to achieve 6DoF (six degrees of freedom) inputs, with low latency, pressure sensitivity, and sub-millimetre accuracy. The stylus can be used on any flat surface, and works with consumer-grade webcams."
@davidrevoy I love how this illustration captures the reality of kernel/driver development. (I say, in all seriousness, as an embedded/systems engineer).
@davidrevoy Well now I want all kernel patches to be accompanied by artwork :)
@davidrevoy ohh wow. That is such a detailed answer to the question. I love that they took their time to write that out.
@davidrevoy Yay!
Glad to hear that loud ranting worked.
I suggest @fuchsiii should do the same re: her hardware and software issues...
@davidrevoy I tried reading the blog post but the lack of a dark theme is a big problem for me.
The light theme is too bright in my dark room.
Sorry :(
@davidrevoy As awesome as the previous artwork!
@shanmukhateja Hey, thanks for the feedback! Can you link to me a blog post you like to follow with a good combination of color for the font and background? This way I can start to get a reference in how I can put this to my blog post.
Here my full display are color calibrated, and target a limited cd/m² for the light emission, but I know not everybody can do this.
Also, do you need a switch on top of the blog? or should it just follow the theme of the O.S. of the visitor?
@davidrevoy Hey,
So I can’t seem to find a blog with dark mode right now. I don’t follow any of them, I prefer finding interesting ones here.
Maybe take a look at my blog? It is managed by Hashnode and is by no means perfect but I did my best styling it up.
Yes you are right. I don’t know what cd/m^2 is supposed to be 😅
So, I prefer websites to use my OS enforced color scheme.
A toggle button is a “good to have” but the website should use my OS color scheme.
Hope this helps!
@shanmukhateja It does! Thank you. I put it on my TODO 👍
@sohkamyung Thanks! I saw it yesterday on homepage of HN. Very very interesting research. I was really suprised by the way pressure of the tip was also recorded with only visual info.
@davidrevoy impressionnant !
@davidrevoy thank you!
It sounds like if you now sent a signed print of this to a specific kernel developer, you might create a treasure that survives the decades ☺
(and I would totally add a 5€ donation to reduce any cost you may have due to that)
@davidrevoy A very fine penguin.
@davidrevoy Another good picture, David.
@davidrevoy I love your work David!
@Reese_pony Thanks!
@ArneBab Good idea.👍 I'll check with Benjamin. And thank you for your proposal to help to reduce the cost of postal transit but I'll manage with the budget I have (that's also in part thanks to your donation, so you already gave for that 😉) .
@Suburban_Druid 😊 Thank you!
@Steve12L Merci! Je pense faire le passage à Fedora 39 avant le Capitole du Libre, donc courant de la semaine qui s'annonce. J'ai une deadline pour demain (la nuit va être encore longue) et je voulais pas prendre ce risque avant que les dessins soient livrés. 😺
@davidrevoy Je comprends bien, logique. J'ai fait l'upgrade ce matin, aucun souci. J'ai réactivé mes extensions, hormis OpenWeather, tout est là.
Dash to dock et les autres sont là.
Je ne me souviens pas de toutes les specs de f39, faut relire le post de Renault sur le forum, j'espère que la solution sera intégrée en tout cas.
Et encore merci, et bravo, pour tout ce que tu fais. 👍🏼
@davidrevoy They should hang a print into their cave/bunker.
@FLOX_advocate Yes, perfect for the future review of the XPPen 16 Artist Pro (Gen2); as it now works at 100% its potential with Free/Libre and Open Source driver.
@davidrevoy also you now have opening and closing images for your kernel bug illustration book :)
@Aznorth Merci. Oui, j'aime bien faire ces petits speedpainting cinématiques; j'y mets quelques heures mais ça me permets de prendre le temps de faire le plan dans ma tête de ce que je vais écrire et dans quel ordre je vais présenter les choses (car sinon, j'ai souvent tout le tiercé qui arrive dans le désordre et en même temps, et donc dur dur d'articuler mes idées sous forme de textes.)
Regarding "(there is a bug here and I'm papering over it)" — that was the case with my USB pre-amp. Once the configuration worked, I gave my thanks to Chaos and went with it until it broke with udev.
Some time later it worked again and I don’t really know why, but I also don’t know which part of the meddling fixed it in the end, so this is super hard to report …
@davidrevoy (and it is quite an interesting read — thank you for sharing it in full!)
@ArneBab @davidrevoy What I consider noticeable is that HID is an old protocol.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebHID_API would be affected then as well?
(Used it with Wii remote so far)
If only you knew https://whatwebcando.today/ …