I’ve been here for a year 🥳 and it’s about time for an #intro. Hi, I’m Ms. Mac. Pronounced ‘Miss Mac! Miss Mac!’ and accompanied by a warm hug. Former runner, avid reader & gardener. I’ve lived my life backward. Grew up in #Michigan; didn’t really have a childhood for … reasons. Put myself through Smith College in #Massachusetts. Fabulous women’s college, can recommend. Lived in #Chicago, then #Bisbee, Arizona. Got married, had a couple awesome kids, then went to law school. University of #Arizona. Go Wildcats! Had a career in civil, criminal, appellate work, mainly as an Assistant US Attorney. Had a bonus baby — now a teen 🫠 — and another marriage. Then family needed me, so I retired. Cared for my mom with #dementia til the end. Accidentally fell into the Best Job in the World: public school #librarian & community #gardener. I’m finally giving back to my community, to this k-8 #school full of beautiful, loving, enthusiastic kids from all over the world. I am the luckiest woman ever, knock wood. 🌈