we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.
Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.
we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.
Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.
@foone I like this a lot. A project every season? You follow along and you're pointed to learning resources on a PBS landing page for the show. This would be nice resource for resource-strapped schools.
@foone Shit, we could do this on Twitch, but we wouldn't have nearly the audience. Think how many people have broadcast-ready facilities in their homes. Show, round-up show, podcast, learning guides. This could be a big deal.
@foone closest I've seen is the Coding Train guy, but he's less Bob Ross, more Richard Simmons
@foone I've played with Scratch a little with the kid and that could be a fun show, just animating the sprites and interacting in interesting ways. I'm not sure how many episodes you can do, but neither was Bob Ross I'm sure.
@foone misread this as PSB’s Joy of Programming and now I’m looking forward to a public service broadcasting concept album / song cycle about such a thing. I can almost hear the whooshing sound of a reel-to-reel warming up opening the piece …
@foone I vote for @shanselman to host
@foone i know your whole point is that we shouldn't only ever try to be practical, but as an additional bonus, i genuinely think all the hours of code golf i did for fun have made me a better programmer
not that any "normal" code i ever write looks golfed at all, but you learn so much about a language when you're digging into the weeds looking for ways to save bytes
Mozilla's @mconley has done more than 350 episodes of "The Joy of Coding" and they're great https://mikeconley.ca/joc/ cc @foone
the guy writing Komorebi has this going on kinda https://youtu.be/0zX289iBOd4