I've gotten a few "<Kid>'s Apple ID was used to sign in to iCloud on a new device" emails today that have me mildly concerned. I've logged in to the kid's iCloud account and verified that I don't see any unknown devices there. But while I'm used to sometimes seeing these spuriously when picking up a device that hasn't been used in a while, "out of the blue when everyone in the house is definitely asleep" is a new one for me. Anyone know how to debug this? #macos #icloud #infosec
@glyph @feoh FWIW I'm getting the same this eve. If I try to actually log in to the account, I get full 2FA - on her phone. And there's no details or remenants of any of these "new" devices either in the mails, via the phone, or via iCloud on the web. So I'm reasonable sure it's some bug, but I'd prefer if Apple were shouting about it, pronto.