Radio Irrtum! announcement
(again… as every month!)
↓↓↓ German version far below the English one ↓↓↓
RADIO IRRTUM! is back ! \o/ Saturday, 2024-02-17 at 8:00PM (UTC+1) at Alex Berlin/FM 91 MHz/DAB+ Ch.7D, or via stream:
#Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastnesses of the #underground. Emitted transmissions will raise your attention for new unheard #music all over the genre spectrum from all over the world. Btw.: Forget about that German language aspect - it's all about the music!
And this time the topic of the whole is "hitter of crinders" (should be a fair translation of "Blocküren von Tieren") which by the way has absolutely nothing to do with anything that will happen during the show and indeed makes no sense at all. Just as I like things to be.
As there will be:
- #DanceMacabre #Pop
- #beatmaker stuff with lots of #soul, even Jazz
- the ultimate #bastardPop
- a #worldExclusive tune as good as weird (!)
- #Acid like it's 1908. Yes, 1908.
- phreaky #Bass
- #industriPhemale #noize (oh yeah, indrustriphemale needs to become real!)
- #blackMetal of #Doom
- phemale #punk
- a new #GenialeDilletanten track
- THE German underground #superGroup
- Chilly #cassette #LowFidelity
Because #RadioIrrtum always feels connected to open social networks, lots of mighty' n world dominating Fediverse artists will be featured, like @xylander, @limebar, @Lara or @rrrrroseazerty ! Because of your great music!
Also #CreativeCommons then and when. Because if you ask me, the music industry as we know it has to die.
As always I'll post playlist and manuscript later here (provided I’m at home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions about the music – I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
C U all tonight! :)
↑↑↑ English version above, the German one is still below ↓↓↓
Tatsache, Radio Irrtum! ist wieder da! Samstag Abend, 20 Uhr über Alex Berlin auf UKW 91MHz/DAB+ Ch.7D (Stream URL oben).
Radio Irrtum! ist meine Radiosendung, in der wir zusammen die Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforschen.
Thema diesmal: "Blocküren von Tieren"; leider ohne Zeit dafür zu haben, denn wird haben bereits genug zu tun mit:
- Dance Macabre
- Souly und Jazzy Beatmaker Zeugs
- unglaublichen Bastardpop
- Einen weltexklusiven Track nur für Radio Irrtum!
- Acid, als wäre es 1908
- Bass
- IndustriPhemale Noize
- Doomy BlackMetal
- phemale Punk
- Neues von den Genialen Dilletanten
- DIE deutsche Underground-SuperGroup
- LowFidelity von Kassette
Haufenweise Fediverse-Künstler*innen sind dabei (siehe oben), ein paar Creative Commons Tracks sind dabei - vielleicht stirbt dann die Musikindustrie schneller. Grüße oben, Playlist + Manuskript nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens am Sonntag)!
Bis morgen Abend! :)