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Humberto Rocha

Software developer, self-hosting hobbyist, and problem solver

79 Posts Posts & Replies 406 Following 84 Followers Search
Humberto Rocha boosted

Astral’s uv 0.3.0 announcement is a great example of how @ambv once told me: “you’d be surprised what you can achieve in 8h / day”:

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hey there 👋

If you have any questions about how to use Mastodon or the rest of the Fediverse, it is totally fine to ask! I'm an actual human being here, and I'll try to help answer any questions if I can!

I didn't set up this account to be one-directional or mass audience, it's meant to be about helping people directly. 🙂

Humberto Rocha boosted

we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.

Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.

Humberto Rocha boosted

We have a small gift for the fediverse today: over the past 8 months, we've been building an icon library for various decentralized social platforms and protocols within the space.

It's an ongoing effort, and we're happy to release our initial version today. It's like Font Awesome, but for the Social Web!

Humberto Rocha boosted

- Don't accept a role that is outside your core responsibilities if you don't feel comfortable

-Don't change technologies to secure employment if you don't plan too

- Don't jeopardise your working style (Hybrid, remote, flexible hours)

- Don't become a people manager if you want to remain an IC

It's tough at the moment but staying true to who you are will shine through and help you achieve your long-term goals.

Have a good day everyone

"When I'm mad at something at work, I open task manager and kill a random edge process" is the best stress management tip I got this year 🤣

Humberto Rocha boosted

spipm / Depix

Recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots

Humberto Rocha boosted

These are the 4 combinatorial iterators from the module `itertools`.

The module itertools contains a total of 19 (!) iterators!

If you want to learn more about them, take a look at this short article I wrote yesterday:

Humberto Rocha boosted

This is my current obsession:

I'm truly terrible at this game and can't stop playing it!!

Humberto Rocha boosted

Meet the main folks behind on our shiny new Team webpage!

@craftyguy new website looks soo cool 🤩

Humberto Rocha boosted

It looks like the job market is a bit weird for software developers nowadays. But let's see if I can find something here on . I am not unemployed but I am considering new opportunities. I am a skilled developer with over a decade of experience with web development and web scraping. Looking for remote jobs only anywhere in the world.

Humberto Rocha boosted

🦆 DuckDB may be the tool you didn't know you were missing

Edited 244d ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Oh, that's interesting.
Will try to support it quickly. 🙂

Humberto Rocha boosted

A project I'm working on has surpassed 200 stars on GitHub and it is not even finished yet.

Therefore, to give it even more pressure on me to finish the first version of this app, here is me introducing to the fediverse Cartero, a HTTP client to test web APIs and make requests graphically.

It is written in and it uses modern GNOME technologies such as and Blueprint.

Here is the canonical screenshot for the current nightly version as of this post.

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

🔍 Terminal Tip: Instant Source Viewer! 🐍

Below I defined a function called `pys` (you can add it to your .zshrc).

Now you can peek at Python source code from the command line like this:

$ pys module [object]

$ pys collections
$ pys collections Counter

Humberto Rocha boosted

@rochacbruno só consigo pensar em pepa pig 😁

Humberto Rocha boosted

@humrochagf @gutocarvalho @rochacbruno e sobre a decisão do Andrew de não continuar como mantenedor principal

@rochacbruno @humrochagf @gutocarvalho ela foi implementada mas está desabilitada na config default pq a migração pra fora dele não tá implementada ainda, então vc ficaria preso no takahe se quiser sair depois (ref: )

@codeshow @humrochagf @dunossauro @gutocarvalho ah sim eu implementei o sistema de poll e ele é interessante pq não tem uma definição oficial no protocolo, como o mastodon tomou a licença poética de fazer sua versão dele eu fiz uma engenharia reversa nele pra ser compatível e documentei pra caso alguém passe pelo mesmo processo e tenha dúvidas 🙂

@humrochagf @rochacbruno @gutocarvalho de funcionalidades todas as principais estão lá mas as apis secundárias como as trends estão só entregando uma lista vazia

@rochacbruno @humrochagf @gutocarvalho a migração de contas tá meio que pela metade, pq o projeto começou como um hobby do Andrew mas agora está em busca de pessoas para assumir o projeto então tá meio que não recomendado de migrar pq não sabemos se o projeto vai continuar.