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Profile image for Humberto Rocha

Humberto Rocha

Software developer, self-hosting hobbyist, and problem solver

79 Posts Posts & Replies 406 Following 84 Followers Search
Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

We passed the €30,000 threshold on the Godot Development Fund today! 🎉

Thanks everyone for your support! 💙

Our current goal is to reach 50k as soon as possible, to secure the current payroll, and enable us to add a couple more developers to the team.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Python People 7: Mariatta Wijaya

Mariatta has been a contributor to Python for many years and is a very inspiring public speaker.

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Aaaannnnnnnd we got a new blog post: 7 Lessons I learned from recording and editing short videos

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Friendly reminder: we have a livestream tomorrow 😉

This time we will:
• implement a new protected endpoint on the API we’ve been using
• Make protected requests to that new endpoint from the badge

Same usual time and place 10am ET on

See you there!

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hey!! Tomorrow, Friday 1st of Sept at 10am ET we have a date!!

Let's work on the badger 2040 w from Pimoroni again yay!!

Will this be the day we can make a request to a protected API from the badge? Join and let's figure this out together!

Follow here 👇 to get the notification when I go live! 😉

Humberto Rocha boosted

Já teve problemas ao renomear arquivos em projetos ? Pois, não precisa mais se estressar, aqui nessa colinha você aprende a renomear arquivos no git do jeito certo!

Humberto Rocha boosted

To remove the latest stash from the stack and apply it, use the command:

git stash pop

You can find this & more at

Humberto Rocha boosted

This Friday, don't forget: 10am EST we'll continue to work on pimoroni's badger 2040 W and see if we can display some information from an protected API.

See you Friday on

Humberto Rocha boosted

Para remover o stash mais recente da pilha e aplicá-lo use o comando:

git stash pop

Essa e mais fichas você encontra no:

@bragefuglseth Looks super nice, I can see it also being used for non technical people to write a blog post and output to markdown to post in static site generators. The main barrier is usually learning markdown vs transforming it in a full CMS.

@gcampax @bragefuglseth Maybe frontmatter header could fill the base formatting needs as the metadata of the underlying markdown format? Not to go wild with customization, but for basic formatting needs like, document type and margin.

Humberto Rocha boosted

🎂 Today's my birthday, and if you feel like giving me a present, it'll make me so happy if you could share news about PyLadiesCon and the CFP to your network, and also submit a talk or two!


Humberto Rocha boosted

New spring features:
- in all directions
- attach to all kinds of blocks
- reflect the sword

Humberto Rocha boosted

WOW! IT'S HAPPENING: the Steering Council posted their "intent to accept PEP 703", in other words to allow for a version of without the .

Sam Gross' heroic effort to prove nogil is feasible will be paying off.

As they say, "Now the real work begins!"

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

Stolen from @PythonMaps on twitter:

Percentage tree coverage on South America at a 30 × 30 meter resolution, made with Matplotlib.

Humberto Rocha boosted

We’re new here, nice to meet you! We’re Cecile and Olivier, a duo of French artists who create comic books, video games and illustrations. If you like watercolors and Japan, you might be interested by the kind of things we’re going to share here. See you soon! ✨

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

We love freedom 0, the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Boost this post to share the message with others! Read about the four freedoms of :

Humberto Rocha boosted

People self-hosting services: who do you host them for?

And what is motivating you to do it? Learning fun tech? Protecting yourself again big corps, intelligence agencies, or something else?

🔄 Boosts welcome to help me get a broader picture

Options: (choose one)

Humberto Rocha boosted

An excellent article.

"They need us. We don't need them:" The fall of Twitter is making the trolls and grifters desperate

Today, after letting my x/twitter account idling for 6 months after announcing my move to the fediverse, I finally deactivated it for good. It feels nice to have one less bigtech social media profile 😌

Humberto Rocha boosted

Today’s fun thing that someone has done in has to be this game of solitaire.

Humberto Rocha boosted

This is Mastodon and this is why it rocks!

Humberto Rocha boosted

I started an account at BlueSky because so many other academic had signed up, but there is even less activity than here.

I'm especially interested in but also and .

Any others out there?