@webology @greg I'm all over the place. I have all of the following types of notes & more:
- One-line ideas for projects, jokes, or questions
- Lists of gift ideas, 'favorites', & other details about friends/family that probably belong in a Personal CRM tool
- Meeting notes
- Notes/snippets for working with a tool (like black, or venv)
- Detailed notes about bigger technical topics e.g. the DevOps process for my business
- Rolling notes about projects
- Outlines for talks
- Research notes
- etc
@webology @greg For your enjoyment - some of my one-line notes/ideas:
- Crossword puzzle where provided words are positive traits, but negative traits are hidden in the puzzle.
- Physical tool for pinpointing landmarks & points of interest on a map that I observe from an aircraft.
- Python package whose sole purpose is to wrap python modules & commands in more dramatic words.
- Start a new Twitter handle called 'weekly heartbreak'. Each week, post a song that is heartbreaking.
- Am I a judge-y b****? If so, why?
- 'Ubermocked': A tool for automatically mocking your database or API, but the output is actually mocking in the sense of "making fun of".
- Waitress said "that looks delicious" as she handed me dinner. Is this to 'sell' me on the food, or was she really admiring my dinner?
- Alien warfare short story. They blast a huge rock in Earth orbit to prevent our species from leaving the planet.