#BostonWeekend 1/x
Peak Fall. Sunset now back to before 6pm. Leaf senescence makes time spent outside a delight for the eyes. We, too, harden ourselves for the chill aligned with the winter solstice. But first, Halloween will come, and there's plenty to enjoy around #Massachusetts
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Fri-Sun - Annual #HeadOfTheCharles #regatta weekend for the #rowing world in #CambridgeMA. The world's largest 3-day rowing competition draws 400k+ and can make traveling anywhere near the #CharlesRiver tricky. #HOCR
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Fri-Sat @7 #Fuzztival in #SomervilleMA at the #SomervilleArmory - local®ional annual festival since 2013, 25$ featuring:
and Saturday:
#FrancieMedosch (of #Florry)
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#Boston Anarchist Book Fair Sat & Sun - Vendors, Workshops, #Anarchy. Masks Required! in #CambridgeMA
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Saturday night - 150 #Drones #lightShow (instead of fireworks) at 7pm, free event, 10th anniv. celebration of #AssemblyRow #SomervilleMA https://assemblyrow.com/event/drone-show-10-year-anniversary-celebration/
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Saturday afternoon - Dancing in #JamaicaPlain! #RumBarroco Latin-Baroque Fusion Ensemble - Flamenco and other dances - Also Sunday afternoon in #PROVIDENCE #BostonDancing (h/t Kate!)
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Sunday - #MonsterMash in #SomervilleMA - Shutting down #SomervilleAve from 2-6pm for a little early- #Halloween celebrating, #costumes recommended, food, vendors, entertainment - including toot.boston's own @swachter - she and I will be there with Emergency Treat Bags and other fine sewn wares). Come, say 'Hi'!
#SomervilleMA #Boston #Spooky
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By the bye, I'm #Knizer, a #SomervilleMA resident for almost 2 decades. Hi, Neighbor!
Let's make this virtual gathering space more welcoming so the community grows - to that end, I curate a weekly thread of cool stuff going on nearby (no algorithm - boosts help get the word out), and that's helped me befriend some cool people. If this vibes with you, if community building is something you're interested in, I'd love to chat.
I compile my events list from a variety of sources, some included here:
#CambridgeDay: https://www.cambridgeday.com/events-ahead/
#Boston dot com: https://www.boston.com/category/things-to-do/
BosMag: https://www.bostonmagazine.com/things-to-do/weekend
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1g5use7/good_afternoon_boston_i_am_back_with_a_list_of/
BosCal: https://www.thebostoncalendar.com/
Glob: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/10/16/arts/things-to-do-in-boston-this-weekend/
#RhodeIsland: https://www.visitrhodeisland.com/events/this-weekend/ https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/new-england/rhode-island/things-to-do/
#NewHampshire:: https://www.visitnh.gov/things-to-do/events-calendar
#Maine: https://www.mainetourism.com/events/this-weekend/
#Vermont: https://plan.vermontvacation.com/events
#Massachusetts: https://www.visitma.com/events/?sdate=2024-10-18&edate=2024-10-21
#BostonMusic: wmbr.org/cr.html & wumb.org/calendar/
#BostonBikes: bostonbikeevents.net
#BostonImprov: bostonimprovcalendar.com