@thelinuxEXP @sesivany @ryanleesipes In summary: Rants are not helpful feedback.
@auser @sesivany @ryanleesipes I’d counter that by: it’s not necessarily the goal to be productive, or the role of any commentator to be productive.
Ranting and criticizing without offering solutions is 100% ok, and fine. Just because we don’t have a solution, or we don’t show understanding for the 100th miscommunication doesn’t mean what we’re ranting about isn’t valid ;)
Ranting without trying to understand first (which is a lot of the reactions that I've seen on this topic) isn't helpful at all, to no one except maybe the ego of the people ranting.
It's even possible to assume malice if one is sincerely convinced that there is some, but the minimum is to also present the arguments that could explain how maybe malice wasn't the cause, and why you still think that malice is involved.