Here's a another review of the #FurilabsFLX1. In a way, it's also a review of #Phosh and #GnomeApps by @BrodieOnLinux
@linmob @BrodieOnLinux Have you tried Plasma mobile on the device?
@linmob @BrodieOnLinux waydroid: basicly Lineage OS on a linux phone, I did that for half a year to a year: ubports: works fine. But like you said, waydroid, which I use for banking and whatsapp, uses battery like a madman! I've a fairphone 3+ and the battery life was 3/4 of a day when using waydroid on ubports.
Now I just use LineageOS and the battery life is 2 days. It's now a couple of years later and the battery life is now 1 day, which is fine!
@hacknorris Nice!