With the upcoming #Swift 6 support for static Linux binaries, I updated my post (and scripts) on packaging Swift apps for #Alpine Linux https://mko.re/blog/swift-alpine-packaging/
@remko I hadn’t put together that you were the author of the age Secure Enclave plugin. I’m delighted that you’re having success with Swift Crypto here. I had toyed about with doing something like this myself because I find age personally delightful, but I’m all the happier to find you already did it! Did you have any trouble with Swift Crypto?
@lukasa Great! 😀 No, dropping in Swift Crypto went very smooth, and I was pleasantly surprised it even worked with the static Linux builds! I left an enhancement request (#147) about how a SecureEnclave stub would have avoided some conditional compilation, but the abstraction that I had to create for this was very minimal anyway.