@elaterite Do you find you are more often converting a photo you previously edited (or intended for) colour vs. having the intention of black and white when making it initially? @CatherineBabault
@michaelrussell @CatherineBabault Yes, I've become proficient at using parametric masks in Darktable so that has changed how I look at a RAW image. There are images I wanted to make B&W a long time ago, but I didn't know how to make them look how I visualized them. For example, the one of the bristlecone I just posted, I was unable to make it look right in B&W until I just came across it again today. But also, now that I know masking I'm finding images I can convert that look much better in B&W.
@elaterite I guess that is like many other techniques we learn along the way and suddenly think of a lot of older images that could benefit! Now that you have that technique do you think you'll make more destined purposefully for B&W in the field? @CatherineBabault
@michaelrussell I hope so. My big challenge now is how to make sense of shooting in canyon country, where I'm moving in the spring. I want to try & apply a kind of Fan Ho style to canyon country, at least for the general landscapes. But there's also the ruins & rock imagery. The colors, while pretty, are distracting as well. There's lots of textures that could be highlighted in B&W to help the cultural sites pop. I think I might experiment with lighting? @CatherineBabault