Apparently, when saving an image with Firefox running under KWin / Wayland, I am supposed to enter the filename into the window decoration (aka title bar) now.
I stand by my opinion: Client-side window decorations are a bad idea for two major reasons: They add inconsistency and make it more inconvenient to kill frozen graphical applications.
Regarding inconsistency: Other applications on my systems have a close button at the top right, drawn by the window manager. When my muscle memory guides me to click that button, I expect the application to be closed or the current dialog to be cancelled. Here I have the save button, doing quite the opposite of cancelling the current action. Apart from that, it looks completely different from every other window decoration – not to say it looks uglier either.
Regarding killing frozen applications: KWin has this nice feature to pop up a dialog asking users whether they want to kill the application, when they click on the close button and the application does not respond. This obviously cannot work with client side decorations. While that's just an inconvenience to me, it might be a bigger problem for novice users.
#clientsidedecorations #uidesign #Linux #Wayland #gtk #firefox #KWin