#Israel / CPJ Condemns Israel's Unsubstantiated 'Terrorist' Labels for Assassinated Palestinian Journalists
With the notable exception of #Haaretz, which tends to exercise caution, most Israeli mainstream media outlets tend to reproduce #IDF briefings about Palestinian casualties in Gaza without independent verification. #Ynet is one of the worst I’m aware of, but only because I can’t bring myself to read the rest. The items Ynet and others publish often label those killed as 'terrorists', based solely on IDF statements and without presenting any evidence.
This practice is particularly concerning given that several of these media platforms do not maintain their own journalists on the ground. Instead, they often directly relay IDF briefings, potentially compromising journalistic standards of fact-checking and balanced reporting.
The safety of journalists in the conflict zone remains a significant concern, with international organizations calling for their protection and thorough investigations into journalist fatalities.