Eh; let’s do another post. Hi friends, I am currently looking to get a job that will sponsor a visa for a US citizen. My primary skillset is in the land of SRE, devops, and related modern-ops things, but I also have some experience doing full stack dev w/ Typescript and even skill with C and C++. I know some Rust but don’t have formal experience there.
I’m looking for a gig in any country that looks safer for trans people than the US right now. I currently only know English (native) and Japanese (approx. JLPT N3 level, am actively studying), but am willing to learn whatever. At this time I only have a US citizenship and would need sponsorship. In a year or two, I expect my spouse will have acquired an EU citizenship, but has not as yet. #getfedihired #FediHire
Edited 15d ago