So I am new to Beige Party, but not new to the Fediverse. I decided it would be prudent to have a 2nd account for when my other instance is going through “shenanigans.” But I also thought it would be nice to have a place, on this here #Mastodon, where I could maybe have a little respite from the overwhelming seriousness of life. So this account will be about silliness and #whimsy and #art and #knitting socks and #crocheting colorful blankets and planting a #NativeGarden and #BloomScrolling and favorite #tv shows and #movies and #writing and the poetry of #SongLyrics.
I live in the #Midwest with my husband and my son in a #MidCentury house where we desperately run to fix the breaking or broken or falling apart thing before the next thing breaks or falls apart. (We have grand plans for this house which includes #chickens and gardens and #compost heaps, but so far the only thing we’ve done is paint the den chartreuse.)