@signalapp Currently I can make the link work, but only if I *delete the automated thumbnail* that populates when you insert a link into a message. Otherwise, it just sends the user to a Signal page that says " #Signal contact. No destination found."
However, not everyone will know to do this. This creates friction and the possibility that people won't connect at all if they leave the platform before confirming the connection.
Even copying and pasting the link after the thumbnail version has been sent only returns "https://signal.me" with no profile string attached, despite the full link being present before hitting send.
Lastly, I was hesitant to share this, thinking it must be a user error on my part despite the fact that I've never had this issue. And I'm willing to accept if it is, but I've tested it. Moreover, I've tested it with other US and non-US users and some are affected and some not, and it doesn't seem to be geo-specific in a readily discernable way.
Given the fact that I use (edit: used but am in process of leaving) #Facebook for mildly but consistent #activist / agitprop purposes, I fear that there may be algorithmic targeting going on that is the basis of this issue affecting some and not others.
I spent time yesterday and this morning testing and reasoning it out with another tech-savvy user, and after feeling that we understand it through best we can, it seems worth being to people's attention, especially considering what is unfolding both with Facebook and politically.