@janbeta funny. Those were almost the only two chips that were good on my last shortboard…
@janbeta I mean the RAM on shortboards is usually a suspect! And I have a feeling that the CPU is also often a bit wonky. Moreso than on older boards.
@root42 Yeah, the 8500s break a lot for some reason. RAM seems to always be an issue but not too often on the short boards in my experience. Mask ROMs are usually pretty unlikely to break, at least in more recent systems like this. The older MOS ROMs (in the VIC20 for example) break all the time as far as I can tell from my repairs. I think this C64 got overvoltage at some point. RAM and ROMs seem to be the first things to break in that case (both RAMs were shorted and boiling hot in this one).
@janbeta @root42 I also had more than one C128s with broken 8502-s.
Remember, these are the same generation as wonky 264 series chips, like 7501/8501s and TEDs... But probably their potential problems are less well known - also, maybe more of these are in Europe, which probably means this info is less well spread in the global retro scene. But I'm just speculating here.