@AirSupportProject Screenshot from Airwareness app 1 ACH Airflow has 78.6% transmission risk vs 6 ACH only 39.7% transmission risk for COVID.
@AirSupportProject 12 ACH even better with 22.5% COVID transmission risk. This would be lower if you are masked and make your mask more efficient for longer amount of time too.
@AirSupportProject NTM the purge time is so much less with enhanced airflow: Purge time 24 minutes at 6 ACH vs 6 hours at 12 ACH
@AirSupportProject There's no reason we shouldn't be enhancing airflow in classrooms right now with #purifiers or #crboxes or other #aircleaners . We needed good #IAQ yesterday, and we definitely will still need it tomorrow. Read more at: https://airsupportproject.com/using-the-airwareness-app-for-accessibility-in-classrooms-and-beyond/
Edited 61d ago