In order to prepare my #textile #repair classes, I made a #visiblemending swatchbook. Its been a while that I wanted to have one object to show specific repairs when people ask what is possible to do with their damaged garments.
Before starting online classes, I will first see how the first class goes. Here's the programme:
Course 1/4: simple sewing stitches
Course 2/4: Darning and patches
Course 3/4: Knitwear repair level 1
Course 4/4: Knitwear repair level 2
I will give these classes in #brussels #bruxelles at the textile #fablab @greenfabric in French (one on one translation in English could be possible but the main explanations will be in French).
More info here:
Book cover showcases the super Banana font by @clara__bgn 💜