If the reports are correct, Trump has ordered 32,000 acre-ft (~10 billion gals) of #water released from these reservoirs. That water will, mostly, be lost. Some will evaporate, some will seep into groundwater. Farmers who had rights to that water in the reservoir are now unlikely to have physical or legal access to it. Anticipate legal chaos over water allocations in the summer. #cawater
This is WILD: the City of San Francisco could be the one to kill off what's left of the Clean Water Act. They want to be able to dump sewage into the Bay. There's a petition out there somewhere, and if you're a resident, write your supervisors to say you're against this.
Edit to add link to the action alert: https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/SanFranciscoBay?actionId=AR0474094&id=701Po00000Ne0SHIAZ
#sf #sanfransico #cawater #cleanwater #sfmtg
Edited 185d ago