WMBR's Summer Season of programming began at 4am today. Check out the schedule to see most of your usual favorites along with some new offerings.
I wrote a blog post on the passing of Steve Albini.
#Music #SteveAlbini #WKDU #CollegeRadio #BigBlack #RadioShack #CollegeRadio #SwimmersEar #TheDeadMilkmen #HuskerDu #DeadKennedys #DOA #MDC #TheGunClub #Photography #StreetArt #Graffiti #StencilGraffiti #SittingInOblivion #BleakAndBadLuckArts
This is the first day of WMBR's Spring Season of programming. Check out the new schedule at
In addition to your preexisting favorites, we have a number of new student shows on the schedule!
As always we're broadcasting on 88.1 FM in the greater Cambridge / Boston area, and streaming on https://wmbr.org. We also provide a two-week archive of all programs, also via this URL.
A big thank you to all our listeners and donors for making WMBR's 2023 Fundraising Week such a success! We raised over $133K thanks to your generosity which we'll use to continue producing the content you didn't know you wanted to hear. As a reward, here's a candid photo of Sara J and Mark F from the archives!
If you missed out, visit https://wmbr.org/fundraising and check out this year's premiums.
#Introducton I love music. If it's #Drone, #Noise, #Collage, #Minimalist, #Microsound, #Dadaist, #ElectroAcoustic, #DarkAmbient, #Jazz, #Angular, #PostRock, #HomeRecordings, or #FieldRecordings, chances are I'll dig it. Former #CollegeRadio DJ at the mighty #KFJC (https://kfjc.org). Also ran a live event called #24HourDrone with my buddy Norman Teale for a couple of years. My radio show, Psychoacoustic Soundclash — described as a soundtrack for daydreamers — ran from 2000 to 2008.