This is my Sharkey #introduction 🙃
You can call me Dane.
I started out on the fediverse arooooound...I wanna say 2017/18 mebbe? My big start in social media was MySpace. Before that, I had a LiveJournal (which I miss mightily with all my heart). My very first computer was a Gateway PC, back when they shipped them to you in those awesome cow spot pattern boxes. I am trying to de-google my life.
I'm #ADHD and suffer from #dysthymia. I'm currently unmedicated. I can be damned moody at times, so there's your warning.
Religiously/spiritually speaking, I'm complicated. That will be a long post, when I get around to writing it. My general rule is: I have my thing. It's not everybody's thing, and that's cool. Not everybody's thing is my thing, and that's cool. Just don't be a wanker towards those whose thing ain't your thing. OM 🕉
I'm 57 years old and have come to the conclusion that we never truly appreciate the decades we grew up in until we hit middle age.
I'm single and childless, hence my user tag: TheLastOfHisName.
And now, a hefty list of hashtags....
#thebeatles #grunge #oldschoolcountrymusic #classicalmusic #tomwaits #jeffbuckley #blindmelon #stonetemplepilots #90salternative #80sbands #ledzeppelin #jazz #experimentalmusic #laurieanderson #yes #themoodyblues #art #mcescher #albrechtdurer #johannesvermeer #mariaabramovic #technology #linux #linuxmint #android #kurtvonnegut #huntersthompson #jdsalinger #emilydickinson #waltwhitman #henrydavidthoreau #scifi #fantasy #film #indiefilms #writing #microfic #irishheritage #gaeilge #foss #mastodon #sharkey #pixelfed #cats #dogs #animallover #vegetarian #ttrpgs #dnd #rolemaster #spacemaster #runequest #travellerrpg #gaming #elderscrollsonline #guildwars2 #skyrim
Nazi punks fuckoff.
#Ally to POC, LGBTQIA, and humanity in general.
A song to represent where I'm coming from: