I am currently looking for freelance design work from mid-March onwards. Here's what I do:
→ Design websites for businesses or projects
→ Join product teams on a project base as a UX/UI designer
→ Establish brands, or give them a refresh
→ Layout books, brochures, flyers and more
→ Create illustration and animation concepts
→ Work with developers on component libraries and style guides
→ Review apps and websites for usability and accessibility gaps
→ Collaborate with teams remotely or locally in Berlin, Germany
Please share and/or bookmark my portfolio: https://paulahaertel.com/
J'ai mon Mastodon qui est rempli de pouets militants ou politisés ou pro "quelque chose". Rien de mal en soi, mais ça me fatigue qu'à chaque fois que j'ouvre Mastodon, j'ai l'impression de rejoindre une grande manif virtuelle de gens pas contents.
Moi à la base je voulais surtout découvrir des #photographe qui aiment parler de leur métier ou des coulisses de leurs photos, des webmasters qui crisent sur #WordPress, des #freelance qui racontent leur dernière bourde pour un client, des illustrateurs qui expliquent comment ils arrivent à tel ou tel résultat visuel...
Si vous pouviez m'aider à renouveler mon feed ça serait génial 😁
I am a senior (20+ :) independent french software developer, mentor and coach, I will be available in February.
If you are looking for help to tame a wild code base, prepare a big evolution or more generally develop maintainable software, this is the right time :)
I mostly work in two ways:
* integrated into the team, I do the work with you in pair programming
* and/or as a coach, I guide you in your thinking, choices and their implementation (a few hours/week)
* all languages/tech stack/environments
* remote (or Ambert - France)
* occasional travel ok
* freelance
Information & prices:
Contact: cyborgnekosica@protonmail.com
Or fill the form on:
Feel free to ask me any question!
#commission #artcommission #commissionsopen #fediart #originalart #freelance #freelanceartist #illustrator #digitalartist #artist #commsopen #artforsale #linelessart
Et c'est re-moi ! 👋🏻
Même si c'est plus la "crise" et que j'ai un job, ça n'empêche que je cherche à arrondir les fins de mois qui arrivent de plus en plus tôt ces derniers temps. Du coup #Jechercheunjob en #freelance, dans créa web, gestion RS, rédactionnel, graphisme… si besoin, à distance parce que plus simple. On en discute, n’hésitez pas à me contacter en privé pour plus d’infos ! Mes sites et projets en bio sinon > http://www.ftnstudio.com
it's an honor to contribute to the pixelfed redesign, huge thanks to @dansup and @pixelfed for their trust and support !
Hi #PortfolioDay ! 💕
I'm Patricia, a freelance illustrator and concept artist from Germany. I especially love doing character-centric illustrations and do work for books, tabletop, board + video games, and other projects! 😊
✨ https://patriciamoj.com
✨ pbmoj.art@gmail.com
#MastoArt #illustration #art #portfolio #portfolioday2025 #artist #freelance #artistsonmastodon
Je suis un développeur logiciel expérimenté (20+ :) indépendant, mentor et coach, je serai disponible en février.
Si vous cherchez un coup de main pour dompter une base de code sauvage, préparer une grosse évolution ou plus généralement développer un logiciel maintenable, c'est le bon moment :)
J'interviens principalement de deux façons:
* intégré à l'équipe, je fais le taf avec vous en pair programming
* et/ou en accompagnement, je vous guide dans vos réflexions et l'implémentation (qq heures/semaine)
* tous langages/technos/environnements
* remote only ou Ambert
* déplacement ponctuel ok
* freelance
Sur les sites d'offres d'emplois et de missions pour freelances je recense une dizaine de postes ouverts en France en ce moment pour des développeurs Delphi expérimentés ou pas. Si vous êtes en recherche n'hésitez pas à les consulter.
Le langage Pascal et l'environnement Delphi ne sont pas compliqués à apprendre et sont plutôt agréables à utiliser (mais je ne suis pas objectif sur ce point).
#Delphi #JobOffer #Emploi #CDI #Freelance #France #Formation
Thema E-Rechnung, diesdas: Hab jetzt noch ein Open Source-Tool gefunden, mit dem man offenbar E-Rechnungen ... in ... etwas normal lesbares übersetzen kann?? Oder so?
Kennt das jemand oder hat Erfahrungen damit?
Yesterday I published a new biz blog post with a theme a lot of people can relate to right now. Enjoy!
“Do Something New to Get Your #Freelance #Editing Biz (and Life) Moving Forward”
#Proofreading #Writing #Freelancing #Goals #GoalSetting @edibuddies
Does #GetFediHired work for freelance jobs?
I am open to a new Python or Django gig, effective immediately, for up to four days a week (~32 hours).
I am also skilled in HTML, CSS, and JS as progressive enhancement, and have accessibility in mind.
I work remotely from The Netherlands. Invoicing works best within the EU or the US, but outside these regions is not off the table.
Boosts are appreciated!
#FediHire post, appreciated!
Hey, writers of the fediverse!
I'm an experienced academic writer and researcher who offers #editing services to students, novelists, or anyone wanting feedback on their WIP. Over the past several years I've helped many writers form clearer arguments and reach their desired audience effectively.
Click here for rates (negotiable) and qualifications ➡️ https://paper.wf/kent-navalesi/editing-services
#writing #hireme #OpenToWork #freelance @writing
I believe an #introduction is customary in these lands, so here it goes.
Hello! I'm Diego, a #Blind bloke born in #Venezuela. I do #Freelance #Translation work from and into Spanish. I also do some copy-editing and #Writing in #Spanish.
I like reading #Fantasy, #LesbianRomance, #FanFiction, and #FemaleCentric narratives in general.
I'm interested in #Technology, #Accessibility, #VideoGames, #Anime, #AncientRome and #PreModern #History, #WorldBuilding, #Baseball, #DnD, #Science, and many more things.
I'm an #Android user mostly, though I use #Windows from time to time.
Feel free to say ‘Hi’ if you want to chat or want some work done. 😁
I’m opening up #freelance slots from mid-November onwards to help offset some major expenses! Let me translate or proofread your comic and sundry other texts (FR/EN/DE*), or illustrate your project, or graphic record your events, or or or https://about.me/clairikine
*excluding DE as a target language
Do you need help with a website, web app or web thing? I have some upcoming availability for consulting/contracting work from November.
Full stack Software Engineer with 15+ years commercial experience. #freelance #webdev #opentowork https://tola.me.uk/consulting/
Ma prochaine mission vient de tomber à l'eau (budget) :( , du coup je suis dispo dès maintenant \o/.
Si vous avez besoin d'un coup de main pour dompter une base de code devenue sauvage, refactorer pour préparer une évolution ou plus généralement développer un logiciel maintenable je peux sûrement vous aider :
* intégré à l'équipe, je fais le taf avec vous (3-4j/semaine)
* et/ou en accompagnement, je vous guide dans vos réflexions et l'impémentation (quelques heures/semaine)
Des infos sur moi ici : https://blog.crafting-labs.fr/ensemble/
* tous langages/technos
* remote only (ou Ambert centre :)
* déplacement ponctuel possible
* freelance
From the archive~
Just one of many diary doodles around the feeling of being a freelance artist.
Except I have no idea what I was thinking with that haircut.
Here's my #introduction! I'm Alex Kingsley, and I write #speculativefiction and #podcasts. I also do #voiceacting and #sounddesign. I'm also a #ttrpg designer. You can find my games at alexyquest.itcho, and below is my voice reel!
I don't wanna CW the rest of this. But I am fairly desperate.
I am aware that 10$/hr is barely anything, but it'd allow me to do anything.
🚀 boosts appreciated 🚀
I guess if anyone has any dumb work needing done I'm willing to offer anything homeoffice for at-least 10$/hr, up to 14 hours a day.
I can do basically almost anything simple within an hour or so of training, I can do 3D Modelling (Blender) but I'm not good at it.
Any data entry, or other simple things goes all the same.
I'm kinda shit at programming sadly.
I could probably write stories but that takes a while probably.
I'm happy to also listen to anything you want me to listen to and give my opinions for a few bucks.
Or if you want a gaming buddy I'm also here.
I can do tech support windows and linux for personal users?
I can also organize your files on your pc if I'm getting paid lol.
I'm in switzerland with good internet and I can be online during any time of the day for up to 14 hours.
Sky's the limit. Hit me up here or on
Spam for tags.
#lookingforwork #money #cheap #work #freelance #homeoffice #simplework #dataentry #gaming #techsupport #linux #windows
Hey python people!
do you know if there is a real opportunity as a freelance Python Django dev in FLOS projects ?
I mean : can you live from this ?
Hey les gens qui font du Python !
Vous pensez qu'il y a une vraie possibilité d'être dev freelance Python Django ave cdu libre ? Je veux dire : on pourrait en vivre ?
Dear fediverse, are you aware of an open position or a company looking for a #php developer ?
I am available now, I am actively looking for a freelance mission. Contact me if you have anything up your sleeve!
I am looking either in full remote, or in #Montpellier (France) and cities in the Montpelier area.
Hi! I'm a #creator, #technologist, #dev, #VoiceArtist, #founder, and knowledge and skill explorer.
I #freelance and #RemoteWork (since 2008) and am a #BusinessOwner providing business and tech consulting services. I'm also building #SaaS to help me and other speakers, podcast creators, and producers.
My passion project is @steampoweredshow, a #longform #podcast and #YouTube channel where I have conversations with #WomenInSTEAM fields about their journey, their work, what they're passionate about, and things they've learned along the way.
I believe in the 'A' in STEAM, the between spaces in these fields, #interdisciplinary, #multidisciplinary, #antidisciplinary and the brilliant things that happen when people #collaborate to #innovate.
I write about:
* the technical side of my podcasting journey: https://micheleong.com/rail-yard
* tech and dev tidbits: https://micheleong.com/blog
* longer musings: https://micheleong.substack.com/
* on podcasting: https://askmeaboutmypodcast.substack.com/
You can also find me at:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/itsmicheleong/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/micheleong/
#introduction #WomenInSTEM #WomenInSTEMM #podcaster #YouTuber #storytelling
Momento #presentacion #introduccion 🙋🏻♂️
Hace rato venía viendo con cariño migrar #TKZOne y acá estoy! (Anteriormente estaba en mastodon.social)
Mi nombre es Fede, soy editor de videos de forma #freelance y casi licenciado en Comunicación Social. Tengo 27 años y soy de #Argentina 🇦🇷
Me encanta el mundo #geek y #friki en general, los #videojuegos, algo de #anime y todo lo que tenga que ver con #fotografia #audiovisual #tecnologia #foss #opensource y #libros . 🤓 🎮 📸
Escucho mucho #lofi y #synthwave para trabajar y estudiar pero mis géneros preferidos son sin dudas el #rock y el #metal. 🎶
Followup on my earlier postings about now being available for freelance work:
I've now put up my very own Ko-fi page, where I have detailed the types of commissions I'm available for and their target rates. Ko-fi is set up to pay me through PayPal, so this is an easy front end you can use if you'd like to commission me for something.
This page is also a means through which anyone who's enjoyed my Anna Plays Skyrim posts can drop me a donation, if you're so inclined!
Check it out at:
#AnnaPlaysSkyrim #freelance
#commissions #proofreading #BetaReading #EbookCreation #Kofi