I facilitated an online workshop for @freetechproject tonight and it's the first time we tackled technology to fight #Covid (Co2 monitors, air purifiers, #HEPA, #CorsiRosenthal boxes, #NukitTempest, etc) as well as why this is important (what Covid is, how it spreads, etc) and the small (predominantly older) group was very open to the ideas, sincerely inquisitive about the topic, interested in reducing risk, aware of inclusion issues, and sensitive to my own experiences as carer for a partner disabled by Covid. I'm also realising that people genuinely refer to "Covid" in the past tense sometimes because they wrongly associate it with government policy, while at the same time they very clearly understand that #CovidIsNotOver. My point is, keep tackling the topic, and keep giving folks the benefit of the doubt -- humans are of course good at heart and state policies, and obviously the establishment media, may very well indeed not, in fact, reflect people's actual concerns about Covid.
👉 Stop the spread before it stops you.
Protect yourself by layering these key controls.
1- Clean the air;
2- Be mask-smart;
3- Close the gap.
Find more details in the guide by the Canadian Aerosol transmission Coalition, a Multi-disciplinary group focused on stopping #COVID19 with practical, ethical policy and solutions to the airborne/aerosol virus transmission.: 👇
#COVIDisAirborne #CleanAir #ventilation #HEPA #IAQ #CovidIsNotOver
Air Support Project was happy to be part of the 2023 Clean Indoor Air Expo, with Engineering Advisor Mark Denning giving a quick presentation on our journey into cleaning the air, our mission to Go Beyond DIY, outperform #HEPA , and bring what we have learned about fan and filter technologies into the market. You can watch it at https://youtu.be/iBR4WbBOEfs?si=9Ue3jKRRA_ziSTkX
My #PPE regime
#N95 outdoors
#P100 elastomeric indoors
#HEPA for long duration indoors
#Ocular protection when #sars2 weather is bad & density is high
#CO2 monitor to assess risk level
#CovidIsNotOver #WearARespirator #RespiratorsWork #DefenceInDepth
For #TwitterMigration my #DoAllTheThings infographic and hashtags for #engineering controls in a small commercial building to address #COVIDisAirborne:
#maskup #respirators #N95 #ventilation #filtration #IAQ #HEPA #CorsiRosenthalBox #UVGI #FarUVC #CO2 #COVIDCO2
Nothing is *costless*. But stopping #Covid is *cheap*.
<$37 for a reusable #P100 #mask with source control, in packs of 6 or more (3M 6100/6200/6300 w/ the source-control add-on), for viruses lasts >1 yr before filter replacement ($9)
<$100 for #HEPA filter for a small room (Levoit Core 300), for viruses lasts >1 yr before filter replacement (<$30)
Businesses: compare this to the cost of hiring a new employee, or of a wrongful death lawsuit.
I think every business should have a sign on their window saying "Air cleaned every XXX minutes" (and have this verified by inspectors who check the #HEPA filters etc).
Like the health department grades on restaurant windows.
Seems simple, right?
Evidence of #Aerosol tranmission of #Covid, #Measles, #Chickenpox, #Influenza, #Flu, #SARS, #MERS prepared by Jennifer K McDonald (JenniferKShea on Twitter) with sources from @jmcrookston back in 2021.
#WearAMask #P100 #N95 -- #CleanTheAir #HEPA #CorsiRosenthalBox
This is the Cambridge, UK hospital study where:
-- *without* #HEPA filters the hospital air was full of #Covid and other pathogens, but
-- *with* #HEPA filters the air had no #Covid at all and very few other pathogens.
Check out Figure 1. [It shows what I just described]
A lot of my fellow advocates for Covid safety & clean indoor air don't seem to know some basics of messaging.
First, repetition of key points. You never know when the toot you write will be the *first* toot someone sees. So repeat the key points. #CovidIsAirborne
Covid is airborne, spread by aerosols. #P100 masks stop 99.97% of it, #N95 masks stop 95%, #HEPA filters remove 99.97% from the air.