#Jewish activists spoke out against #Zionism in a protest held in New York City on Wednesday.
#JewsAgainstIsrael #FreePalestine #Ceasefire #Gaza #WestBank
#Jewish activists spoke out against #Zionism in a protest held in New York City on Wednesday.
#JewsAgainstIsrael #FreePalestine #Ceasefire #Gaza #WestBank
New #introduction / #intro post!
I'm Rachamim. I live in North West England and I'm a multiply #Disabled and #ChronicallyIll writer.
My unrealistic life goal is to earn a mention on Wikipedia's List of #Jewish #anarchists
I read and watch #mysterythriller 🔪 #SciFi 👽 #fantasy 🪄and #horror 👻
I *write* horror & #weirdfiction
Preview of my upcoming Liedmatinee at Landesthater Detmold. I am so happy to present some of my favorite Jewish composers to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
🗓️ January 26
🕦 11:30 am
📍 Landestheater Detmold
ℹ️ https://www.landestheater-detmold.de/de/programm/liedmatinee-megan-marie-hart/41363145
#jewishArt #jewishMusic #holocaustRemembrance #neverAgain #lieder #recital #jewishCulture #Jewish #Detmold #Lippe #NRW #music #audio #artsong #LazaWeiner #operaSinger #yiddish #mazeldon #jews
I picked up seaglass in Bermuda and made necklaces with the most beautiful pieces I could find ❤️
Available here with a 50 percent off code: MASTODONFRIENDS
#art #arts #artist #artists #handmade #jewish #xmas #christmas #hanukkah #ArtMatters #artmarket #shophandmade #shopsmall #nature #naturephotography
When a young American #Jewish woman, Simone Zimmerman - who has been raised to support #Israel unconditionally - witnesses the way Israel treats Palestinians, it transforms her life.
Watch the film Israelism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq6J7Q6L0yw
Good morning to readers, #Kyiv remains in #Ukrainian hands.
The son of Ukraine's Chief Rabbi was killed in July, and his body was only recently recovered for burial.
A public funeral was held recently. We attended the memorial, and explore the history of the Ukrainian #Jewish community.
New story, by me.
I let myself scream in the dark. I hope that, having read it, you feel like you're not screaming alone.
Free Palestine.
I have said from the beginning that #Hamas #Oct7 attacks were timed for #ElectionInterference in #US #Election2024.
Never has this been more obvious than now.
Members of BOTH #Arab and #Jewish diaspora in #US have ratcheted up their attacks on #Democrats since #KamalaHarris became the presumptive nominee.
I have noted at length Rashida #Tlaib's role under that hashtag. Below, I note some from the #Israeli side.
BOTH groups are holding #Harris hostage to extract concessions for their side.
#art #history: o, the ignominy of admitting that i'm not extremely intimate with my subject's oeuvre...
still, she sounds so rad that i had to make sketchy ode to adrienne rich (born #otd in 1929). an essayist & poet who centred the oppression of women & lesbians in her work, adrienne was also a jewish pro-palestinian activist involved with the new #jewish agenda, which supported the #BDS movement.
#adrienneRich #illustration #poetry #freePalestine #ceasefireNow #feminism
> I am a #Jewish Arab. There exist bad faith actors who have weaponized me and my relationship to my homelands of #Tunisia, #Egypt, #Morocco, and the #Arab peoples to continue the ongoing #genocide against the #Palestinian people. They claim that because my family were victims in the 1940s, it is perfectly acceptable to inflict violence and #apartheid on Palestinians struggling for life and freedom.
#Judaism #Gaza #JewishArab #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Zionism
#retired, child of #nyc, grandchild of #jewish #leftist #immigrants; #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiTERF
#Queer, out since 1979; #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans
#Gaymer, now playing #ElderScrollsOnline
#Fat person defying societal #fatphobia
#Disabled #spoonie, fan of #cannabis for #chronicpain
Newly accepting my #neurodivergence
Music loves include #SteelyDan #FrankZappa #TheWho #DavidBowie #punk #disco #jazz #opera more
Avid #foodie and #homecook, #omnivore
I live in #israel. Born in the #USA.
I am a former #Yeshiva student.
I work as a #translator of #Jewish #books.
I love #music, especially #Rock, #Pop, #Chassidic & #Classical.
I am a #writer of Poetry, Prose, and Songs, mostly in #Hebrew.
I am an avid #reader, specializing in #Science_fiction and in #Torah study.
I #vote #moderate #left in the Israeli #elections.
I have an account for Hebrew stuff (@NWengrov).
#Introduction #TwitterMigration
Hashtags for some stuff I'm interested in:
I'm a gentile and a naturalistic polytheist. Lately I've developed an autistic special interest in Judaism, and I've started adopting certain Jewish practices. I feel a bit conflicted about this, and I'm looking especially for Jewish opinions on how to do it respectfully. I wrote a 2000-word essay about this last night. I'm posting it as a mega-thread, and I'd appreciate if anyone could read or skim it and advise me on how to proceed.
My name is Robbie Norlyn! I’m a published author who primarily writes science fiction and fantasy for sale to the public. Anything else I have written, about a wide array of topics, is academic, private, or public domain.
I have had a wide variety of occupations over the years. I’m an #artist, #engineer, #scientist, and #technologist by way of experience and training.
My #AlmaMater is the #UniversityofWashington. Where I completed a #BA in #Philosophy. More specifically the school of #AnalyticPhilosophy with a strong focus on #science. However, I have a vast knowledge of #ethics and #theology due to my environment as a youth.
Why #Babka?
I’m #Jewish by descent (both sides, #Ashkenazi & #Sephardic) and am becoming more spiritual as I get older. I was raised in a #Secular/#CryptoJew environment. I grew up with Jewish memes & traditions without understanding any of their importance. Dreidels, Fiddler on the Roof, Passover, and Shel Silverstein are burned into my memories.
Just a sampling of the #hashtags I used and followed during the past year...
** Current Tech
- #SwiftUI
+ #Arduino
** #RetroComputing
- #AppleII
+ #pdp10 #tops20
+ #8bit #z80 #mos6502
** #RetroGaming
- #TextAdventure
- #InteractiveFiction
- #Zork
+ #Inform7
** Miscellany
- #WrexhamAFC
- #GenX
- #GenerationJones
+ #Jewish
+ #Hanukkah
+ #Mazeldon
+ #Secondhand
+ #Thrifting
If you're not following hashtags or including them in your posts, you're really missing out on the best part of Mastodon!
Israel just bombed a tent city full of #refugees who fled North #Gaza for #Rafah on the #IDF's orders.
Horrifying photos show families frantically rummaging through the carnage for the limbs of their family members. I won't reproduce them here, but they can be found on the bird site from @gazanotifications
They are murdering poor people trapped in a concentration camp, in the places they were told to flee for safety. They are killing impoverished, innocent, starving Palestinians, mostly under 30, with nowhere else to go.
This brutality is unparalleled in my lifetime. All studies show that Israel is in a class of its own, outdoing the Dresden bombings by a landslide. Saying this is not antisemitic: it is your duty, whoever you are.
I am #Jewish: spiritually, scholarly, and Litvak Ashkenazi. It's not antisemitic for me, OR ANY NON-JEW to say. In fact, its every human's duty to call for this bloodshed to cease IMMEDIATELY, and to even call for this genocidal Zionist occupation to be dismantled before there is any more blood shed. Nothing keeps my heart beating like my Arab and Muslim comrades speaking out against this barabarism every day. All while facing the harshest consequences of anyone! This ugliness would quite literally drive me to kill myself if I didn't know so many people who are so brave.
I have been doing activism in Palestine since 2012, both boots-on-the-ground defense of protestors, and teaching programming. These are not antisemites; my Palestinian friends are as close to me as any others. And I have had 6 students murdered in Gaza in 120 days. All the others are starving, fleeing from tent city to tent city, trying to survive the most hellish circumstances of drone democide any people have ever witnessed in the history of humanity. Thats a simple fact now.
If you are a goy and claim to support this in our name, WE WILL REMEMBER. The vast majority of #Jews outside of Israel who are under 40 years old are anti-Zionists today. All the fastest growing Jewish organizations of the past decade are anti-Zionist. And we will not forget those who cheered on a 21st century #Holocaust while evoking the memory of our family members killed by Nazi #Germany. Especially not the #Germans, who have been by far the worst inciters and supporters of genocide outside of #Israel.
We need an immediate international #boycott, #divestment from, and #sanctions on Israel to stop this brutality immediately! #BDS
New story by me! It's about fucked up feelings and transbians going to shul.
"When they’d met Emily she’d wanted to hear all of the details of their shockingly sexual past and Sara relished in bragging about how Miriam had held her against that terrible kibbutznik mural and she’d compared Miriam’s own muscles to the ones on the wall and she’d felt safe and absolutely overcome by desire."
#Bookstodon #Mazeldon #ShortStory #Jewish #Antizionism #Zionism #Transgender
I post stuff that is very critical of the State of #Israel. If you want to boost my posts, please only do so if you _don't_ also promote #antisemitism and antisemitic narratives, like Oct 7 was an IDF false flag, Israel is harvesting organs from Palestinians and selling them in international #Jewish organ trafficking rings, the Israel lobby controls the US government, US police brutality is #Zionist, Holocaust didn't happen, Khazars, etc. Don't want to be seen in that company.
The point where regular union folks are uncritically sharing threads with takes like the IDF killed most Israeli civilians on Oct 7, is where it may no longer be possible to avoid a total breakdown between the #Left and #Jewish people. Not because there aren't leftist Jews (many), Jews in solidarity with Palestinians (many), but because it's a sign that antisemitic conspiracy narratives have become endemic in the Left.
Which is a shame, because actually we really need each other. Nu nu.
Hersh Goldberg-Polin is still being held captive by Hamas. He is wounded and his situation is dire. It has been more than 60 days.
Pardes Institute in Jerusalem, an egalitarian yeshiva, is calling on everyone who can to contact the White House daily. Demand they make securing the release of Hersh and the other 137 hostages a priority.
White House comment line:
Tuesdays-Thursdays, from 11:00-3:00pm EST:
(202) 456-1111
White House email contact form:
Pray for the safe return of Hersh Ben Perel Chana V'Yonatan Shimshon
More info here: https://www.facebook.com/savehershgp
#BringThemHome #BringThemHomeNow #Israel #Mazeldon #Jewdiverse #Chanukah #Jewish
Poland: Member of the far-right party extinguished the Hanukkah menorah in the parliament building
Nope, it isn't antisemitism, right?
Oh, #Poland, have you learned nothing?