I think flooding the internet with pictures of President #Zelensky meeting a real #King namely King #Charles of the #UK, would really annoy a certain orange mass.
#Trump again raises idea of running for an #unconstitutional third term
The suggestion followed a stretch of days in which Trump referred to himself as a #king & quoted a #dictator in suggesting that he was #immune from following laws
#USpol #Constitution #law #authoritarianism #democracy
"Reactions to the [Supremes' immunity] ruling across the ideological spectrum have been largely negative. Only the far right seems to relish the prospects of an imperial presidency fully untethered from the inconvenient shackles of democratic accountability."
~ Berny Belvedere
#SupremeCourt #Trump #immunity #crime #ImperialPresidency #monarch #king
"if a Democratic president did commit crimes, the Supreme Court would handle it. This Calvinball Court would find an exception, a loophole, a heretofore hidden penumbra that allows them to clothe in the language of legal authority the real rule: Our side gets to do what it wants, and your side doesn’t."
~ Paul Waldman
#SupremeCourt #Trump #democracy #Constitution #ImperialPresidency #king #monarch
Via @OG_Covid
i have to share this.
"My reign over humanity will be dictated by humanity's ability to adapt and be human".