'embrace diversity. / unite — / or be divided, / robbed, / ruled, / killed / by those who see you as prey. / embrace diversity / or be destroyed.' #art #history: thank you, seattle edu-core band, bloodhag, for (literally) hitting me in the head with an octavia butler (who died #otd in 2006) tome. she broke all the rules & against incredible odds, she was the first black science fiction writer. you'll find solace in her words.
#octaviaButler #sciFi #literature #illustration #metal
"Little Brother" von Cory Doctorow ( @pluralistic ) handelt davon, wie schnell die eigene Heimat zum Feindstaat werden kann, wenn die Freiheit der Sicherheit untergeordnet wird. Und davon wie schnell die Technik, die uns ermächtigt und vernetzt, zum Mittel der Überwachung und Unterdrückung werden kann. Dabei macht Doctorow Mut mit den Mitteln der Technik für die Demokratie zu kämpfen. #bücherwabe #chemnitz #bücher #literatur #lesen #books #literature #bookstodon #scifi #politik #politics
These should keep me busy for a bit.
#DouglasPreson #LincolnChild #PrestonAndChild #Literature #Books #Reading #AgentPendergast #TheCabinetOfDrLeng #Chrysalis #JeremyLogan #Fiction
In „The Word for World is Forest“ schreibt Le Guin über eine Gemeinschaft von Personen, die kein Konzept von Gewalt kennen, jedoch mit einem Aggressor konfrontiert sind, dessen Verständnis von hu“man“ity sogar Gewalt erfordert. Konfrontiert mit der Zerstörung ihrer Umwelt und der Missachtung von allem, was Sie sind, wehren sich die „Creechies“ und gewinnen ihre Umwelt zurück. Gewalt wird ein Teil ihrer Kultur. Ein Geist, der nicht zurück in die Flasche kann.
#books #literature #chemnitz #lesen
"Ameisen" steht in der #Bücherwabe für die These von Bayo Akomolafe, dass wir hinsichtlich der Denkwege, die unsere Lebens- und Wirtschaftsform bestimmen, in einer tödlichen Logik gefangen sind, wie Ameisen in einer #Ameisenmühle: Ameisen folgen den Duftspuren ihrer Vorgänger und laufen im Kreis bis sie sterben.
#books #bücher #lesen #literature #literatur #bookstodon #chemnitz
Enlightenment dies when authoritarianism rears it's ugly head, and that's by design. You can't have stupid throngs of submissive and yet violent masses without #antiintellectualism .
#Polish people talk about how the #nazi occupation would persecute their intellectuals, to subvert the Polish expert class. That's also how the colonizers and slavers destroyed Africa.
They don't come for the #guns first, they come for the experts, the #literature and #acedemia
What are some books / book series that are absolute must-reads for you? Not just "I found this enjoyable" good, but "this book took me on a journey, and I was a different person once I had finished it" good.
#OTD in 1863.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, in signing a humorous letter to the Territorial Enterprise newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, first uses the pen name Mark Twain.
Twain first used his pen name, when he wrote a humorous travel account titled "Letter From Carson – re: Joe Goodman; party at Gov. Johnson's; music" and signed it "Mark Twain".
Books by Mark Twain at PG:
No, ricchezza né onore
Con frode o con viltà
Il secol venditore
Mercar non mi vedrà.
Giuseppe #Parini, Ode "Su la libertà campestre" (Rime degli Arcadi, vol. 13, p. 146)
#politics #ethics #literature #earlymodern #enlightenment
@italianstudies @bookstodon @earlymodern
Hello Fediverse!
Our first #honeycomb of 2025 is finished.
In the coming weeks we'll post how the books are connected for us. :)
We are looking forward to reading your associations and thoughts on the books.
#books #bookwyrm #literature #reading #booklove #chemnitz #Bücherwabe #wabe
Thought I'd write an #Introduction. I'm a writer who loves to draw and make things. I find joy in nature and in making everyday observations. I'm a fan of #AnneofGreenGables, and I'm always looking for kindred spirits.
Interests: #art #literature #books #reading #photography #nature
I'm re-entering mastodon.online, and so re-introducing myself here. I tend to be someone who sits the corner of a room, observing both the others in the room and myself observing others in the room, but not saying a whole lot. I'm still learning how that plays out in a space like this, but I'm thinking it can be a space for real conversation rather than shouting. Democracy depends on it.
Interested in #philosophy, #politics, #linux, #emacs, and #literature (both old and new).
Migrated from Substack to Ghost, and wrote a little post about it. If you like literature, follow me over there! Newsletter, blog, and RSS feeds available.
Octavia Butler's 1993 novel, "Parable of the Sower" describes a fictional suburb of Los Angeles as "a struggling walled suburb... besieged by severe drought; class wars; violent, fire-setting scavengers; and a long-embattled population seized by political apathy.” In its 1998 sequel, "Parable of the Talents," a candidate runs using the slogan "Make America Great Again." Butler, who died in 2006, wasn't clairvoyant and pooh-poohed that idea. She was a student of history. Here's @TeenVogue's story about the prescience of her writings and those of Marxist historian Mike Davis.
#History @histodons #Literature #Books @bookstodon #ParableOfTheSower #OctaviaButler
#art #history: 'one's life has value so long as one attributes value to the lives of others.'
this is exceptionally good advice at all times. keep it close - & happy simone de beauvoir day, everyone. :) #botd #illustration #feminism
#existentialism #simoneDeBeauvoir #literature #theSecondSex
Books which will enter the US public domain:
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
Dashiell Hammett, Red Harvest and The Maltese Falcon (as serialized in Black Mask magazine)
John Steinbeck, Cup of Gold (Steinbeck's first novel)
Richard Hughes, A High Wind in Jamaica
Oliver La Farge, Laughing Boy: A Navajo Love Story
Patrick Hamilton, Rope
#OTD in 1816.
Percy Bysshe Shelley marries his mistress Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin in London, after the suicides on October 9 of her half-sister, Fanny Imlay (by laudanum in Swansea), and on December 10 of his pregnant estranged first wife, Harriet (by drowning in The Serpentine).
Books by Percy Bysshe Shelley at G:
Books by Mary Wollstonecraft at PG:
I translated (or tried my best anyway) the play "Le Drac" by George Sand, first published in 1861.
Like myself in the books I'm writing, Sand was inspired by the traditional Provençal legend of the drac, but Sand's play presents a somewhat different, more playful version of this being.
It was a fun challenge, if not always easy, and I'm sure I've made plenty of mistakes 😳 https://www.stveje.dk/george_sand/drac/
“Friend. What a word. Most use it about those they hardly know. When it is a wondrous thing.”
I've not read too many new releases this year but picked up Hisham Matar's "My Friend's" in March, based on how much I loved his previous works. It did not disappoint one bit, and I had to write on it. Such a *perfect* novel. Do read it if you have not yet!
#books @bookstodon #Literature #novel #fiction #MyFriends
#Introduction Hello. Writer/Screenwriter. Contributor for Greg Olear’s PREVAIL. The bird wouldn't let me have an account. Long story not worth the breath or thumb energy.
#writing #screenwriting #nature #animals #art #politics #books #literature #history #cats #corvids #cooking #gardening #indigenous #bipoc #ndn #lgbtq #Metoo
I like everyone but assholes.
I hate assholes.
Out of respect for the OG Mastodoners I'll post any angry political rants with a CW.
My #cat is watching this space.
Lecturas 2024 (segunda parte --desde agosto--, el resto queda en la imagen adjunta).
-Las cañadas oscuras.
-Notas históricas y geográficas sobre el río...
-Tres enigmas para la Organización.
-Gestar un tópico.
-Los Muertimer.
-La muerte contada por un sapiens a un neandertal.
-Los Muertimer II.
-Historia de un abrigo.
-Apriétame más fuerte.
-Los Muertimer III.
-Las cartas de Elena Francis.
-Bailaréis sobre mi tumba.
-El infinito en un junco (cómic).
-El sueño de Alejandría.
-Poesía completa, Ana María Moix.
-Una historia particular.
#lecturas #lectura #libros #books #read #leer #pop #narrativa #ensayo #teatro #poesia #poetry #drama #theatre #essay #reading #author #leyendo #literaverso #mastolibros #art #literatura #literature
Moving hosts from emacs.ch, time for a new #introduction.
I'm old and disgusted with the squandered/co-opted promise of the WWW. We were going to make something good with it. Instead I'm on #Gemini and back on #Gopher. I program in a mainstream language for work, and so write weird stuff mostly in #CommonLisp for fun.
I'm an old #goth and love the aesthetics and literature of the fin de siècle. I also love #horror but I'm much more well-versed in horror #literature than film.
If I talk about politics, it will be more about issues, events, and theory than about elections and politicians.
I lighten up my dark aesthetic and poke a ray of hope through my despair by watching #StarTrek. Yes, of course #DeepSpaceNine (#DS9) is my favorite series. I study #tlhInganHol for fun, but I'm not very good at it. tawmeyDaq vulqangan, tlhImmeyDaq tlhIngan.
I post mostly in #English, read posts in Spanish, French, and tlhInganHol; will machine-translate posts in other languages that look interesting. Toots are deleted after a month unless pinned or active.
"Was that, then, the way we do things? "Not knowing"— was that the way the most profound things happened? ... Was the secret of never escaping from the greater life the secret of living like a sleepwalker?"
The Passion According to G.H.
~Clarice Lispector (December 10, 1920 – December 9, 1977)
I’m trying to create a list of good books that teenagers should be reading before they head off to college. There is a decline in literacy and readership amongst the younger people and we would do well to come up with some great books that are hella engaging for growing minds. I would love to put together a social media campaign across the web.
#books #reading #literature #library #ReadingCommunity #WhatToRead #YALiterature #readers #readingclub #readersofmastodon #read2024 #read
Short Fiction Reviews: Leigh Kennedy’s “Salamander” (1977), “Whale Song” (1978), “Detailed Silence" (1980), and “Speaking10 to Others2; Speaking3 to Others20” (1981) https://sciencefictionruminations.com/2024/11/17/short-fiction-reviews-leigh-kennedys-salamander-1977-whale-song-1978-detailed-science-1980-and-speaking10-to-others2-speaking3-to-others20-1981/
The twelfth post in my series exploring the earliest short fiction by female authors I need to learn more about.