Does anyone know of any Android app that syncs music to offline playing, and does it use Nextcloud for the syncs?
⚠️ Works have officially started on my #Android #MusicPlayer app YAMP (Yet Another Music Player)! ⚠️
I started the project a couple years ago, and finally I know enough about Android devel to start working.
The main reasons I wanted to make yet another music player app for Android were:
- lack of smart playlist/dynamic playlist* support in any existing Android MP, at least on F-Droid
- bad support for labels, genres et al. in other MPs
- need to split author names and genres in tags where "&", "feat." or commas appear (e.g.: "S3RL feat. Tamika" should appear in both S3RL; Tamika artist sections of the app)
- need of a good-looking feature-rich app like VLC, but maybe faster, and using Android's MediaStore, not its own DB.
There also were other reasons, but I forgor
Smart/dynamic playlists*: some apps have similar features even sharing the same name. However, when I talk about smart playlists here, what I mean is playlists that automatically add songs based on SQL-style selections. For instance, I could make a playlist named "Dubstep", add a "genre like "%dubstep%"" rule, and I would automatically be given a nice list of all songs on my device whose ID3 genre tag contains dubstep.
YAMP will be EDM-focused.
That's it folks. Boost if you'd like to have such an app. I will be pushing some commits soon. Stay tuned.