If you're looking for something to do in January, we have Andy Deane's other band The Rain Within playing on Houston St on the 19th!
#nyc #nycgoth #nycnightside #nycoccult #goth #nightside #occult #vampire #bellamorte
Decided to redo my #introduction post even though I've been on fedi in some form or another for 4 years (first on koyu-dot-space but they closed so now I'm on one of the more main instances).
I'm Lord Draken BlackKnight, Keeper of the Scroll of The Court of Lazarus, original salon noir within the #nyc #nightside #vampire #occult community. I used to post prolifically on Fakebook until I deleted that account in June 2021 and I only brought it back because of nightside stuff.
My magic will peel the paint off your fucking walls kids.
Get my PDF for free, or for money!
It's the end of the world you know. Not like I got a lot to hold back. This is also now my only source of income *coughs*
#Witchcraft #Witch #Occult #Meditation
Yes, The @courtoflazarus is ceasing operations effective at the close of Court on 2/16/2025. We meet every 3rd Sunday of the month until then. Come join us!
#nyc #nycgoth #nycnightside #goth #nightside #occult #nycoccult #vampire
I don’t usually go here. what is your most comfortable occult experience? #occult #halloween #samhain #kabbalah #wicca
Options: (choose one)
Perhaps a Re-#Introduction is in order since there's so many more people in this space to share stories and insights with.
I'm an #Alchemist. I manipulate symbols and materials to effect #transformations and thus transform myself.
My practice was revealed to me in a series of trances by an ancient #goddess who has many historical forms. Some of these are the #Kemetic goddesses known as the Eyes of Ra. She recently revealed to me that she would like me to refer to her as #Hathor. I'm not second guessing that advice.
I'm a cis het old guy (58) happy married for 25 years. I adore women. Mostly from afar.
Race- white, blue eyed ethnic jew.
My technique is centered on an apparatus I built based on a design the goddess revealed. I later connected the components and operation symbolically to equipment and processes described in classic #Alchemy sources.
I'm a non-traditional Alchemist. I don't use a forge or do metallurgy. My device is electrical and uses a type of #crystal to focus energy. It can roughly be described as a type of lamp. The picture shows the output of my process. It's called a #Violograph.
It is commonly asserted, and I agree, that the coveted philosopher's stone refers to the practitioners themselves. As the goal of the process it is in reality the transformed person.
This is done by separating the spirit and soul from the #body, changing them and then re-uniting them in the body again. Carl #Jung has some interesting ideas on this.
Politically- #anarchosyndicalist and card carrying #Wobbly. I’ve been working at the same factory for 28 years.
Other areas of interest besides the #occult are listed below.
I write songs, play electric #bass and #ukulele. Not famous at all.
A few faves-
#HerbertSpencer (I know- cringe)
Food: #glutenfree, I'll take what I can get. Non-celiac.
Drink- #pinotgrigio wine spritzers mostly.
A pinch of #weed goes a looooonnnng way. After 45 years of smoking I'm a total lightweight now that it's legal here. That's #Chicago (officially a suburb 10 miles outside city limits), btw.
Everyone I’ve met here is awesome!
Peace and Solidarity!
FediOccult Book Club—September 2024
This month, the #FediOccultBookClub will be reading "UTOPIAN WITCH: Solarpunk Magick to Fight Climate Change and Save the World" by Justine Norton-Kertson.
You have until September 30 to read & live-post about UTOPIAN WITCH with your fellow Book Club members.
Not sure what to post? Here are a list of general Book Club prompts to inspire you: https://basmo.app/generic-book-club-questions/
Please remember to tag all relevant posts with the hashtag: #FediOccultBookClub
#solarpunk #witchcraft #witch #witchy #Wiccan #wicca #spirit #spirituality #pagan #paganism #magick #esoteric #occult #occultism #BookClub
Hi all. I'm a professor of Religious Studies in the U.S. who researches medieval Islamic thought, especially Sufism, occult sciences, and Arabic manuscript studies. I'm also co-founder of Islamic Occult Studies on the Rise (IOSOTR), an ongoing international workshop. You can check out some of the fruits of that at https://www.islamicoccult.org/.
I'm also a low-skill linux enthusiast, scifi fan, anarchist, and all-round lover of the obscure.
Hello, #Introduction time. I'm Meezer a Canadian artist living in Germany with my husband @Kojote_latrans
We have two cats named Circe(Canadian Sphynx), Baldr(Modern Siamese).
I really like cats.
I love reading and making #Comics
I currently have two comics available online & in print Synthetic Instinct and Wild Autumn.
I work both in #DigitalArt and various mediums in #TraditionalArt
I am #Therian with an interest in the #Occult
I also enjoy #HistoricalFashion #SciFi #Fantasy. #Transformers #StarWars and #Furry
Hello, #Introduction time. I'm Meezer a Canadian artist living in Germany with my husband @Kojote_latrans We have two cats named Circe(Canadian Sphynx), Baldr(Modern Siamese).
I love reading and making #Comics I am working on two titles right now.
I work both in #DigitalArt and various mediums in #TraditionalArt
I am #Therian with an interest in the #Occult
I also enjoy #HistoricalFashion #SciFi #Fantasy. #Transformers #StarWars and #Furry
#Introduction - Boosts and connections appreciated! 🖤
Oi! I'm #new!
Detail in the (unlisted) thread to slowly follow, but I'm into #goth, #gaming, #roleplay, #MentalHealth, the #occult, #books, and #film. I'm #poly, #queer, and try to be an #inclusive #intersectional #feminist. My #politics are, in short, "I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people".
I live passionately and near to the surface. Given a choice including “compassion”, choose compassion, every time. 🖤
A Treatise on Ritual Tattooing
The sacred cannot, ultimately, be turned into a source of profit without innately becoming profane. The degradation of true spirituality is only furthered by the new age zeitgeist that proclaims that the sacred can be purchased in cute magick shops, without a thought given to its origin, its ethics, its source. Everyone is seeking their personal gnosis, everyone is learning the vocabulary of esotericism and magick, and yet very few remain above the temptation for easy answers if only you can pay for them.
A friend of mine sees exchanging tarot readings for money as an energy exchange: the client worked for that money, and you are putting energy into giving them a reading, and therefore it is a fair exchange to exchange the reading for money. I think that is a valid standpoint, and I don’t necessarily see the problem with exchanging readings for money. After all, I sell candles and other items that may be used for spiritual purposes, just like those magick shops I criticize. But aren’t those just party favors & parlor tricks, in a way? The root of spiritual attainment lies not in handmade candles or tarot readings, but in inner work and true connection. All else are just tools, to be used reverentially or not depending on the holder.
Innately the reading that you give to a friend whom you know, are connected to in multiple ways, and who does not pay you will be more true and more useful than the reading you give to a stranger for the purpose of garnering income. There is no way to turn spirituality into your job without necessarily sacrificing the genuinely connected aspect of it: you must market it, you rely on it for your life, and therefore you will compromise at some points, whether you do on a daily basis or not.
Whilst I am in a tricky position regarding the need for income, and I recognize that most people would rather do what they enjoy doing for income rather than something they don’t enjoy doing or that they feel is unethical (a preference which I can most definitely relate to), I think that there is definitely a point at which we cannot purchase our spiritual attainment or our healing, where these things must come from people who love and understand us. At a certain point our ceremonies and rituals must not be transactional if they are to be real tools for inner work and genuine connection.
And perhaps this background is unnecessary, as after all this is a treatise on tattooing and not meant to persuade anyone as to the ethics or rightness of selling spiritual goods and services. Here the background is meant to only describe the flow of ideas that have brought me to the following conclusions:
I: I will not accept money for tattooing rites, but you must bring me an offering of value.
Money purchases things of value, but is not, in and of itself, valuable. It once perhaps stood for something valuable and existed as a convenient way of standardizing the value of that thing for transactional purposes. In the US, that “thing” was gold. Although, despite the fact that gold *is* valuable for some uses, gold as a signifier of “value” idealistically is not in and of itself any more valuable than paper currency.
Things of value are things that can be used, eaten, grown, perceived. Things of value include fresh food, acts of service or assistance, building materials, seeds, plants, livestock, blankets, cookware, and so on. Art can also be valuable in certain circumstances, as an exchange. Healing work, live-in community, these things are tangible in their own way and produce a far greater rippling impact than simply handing over cash. These are things that could be paid for with money, but would then exist in a contextually different space. Exchanging a healing or transcendent tattooing ritual for side-by-side work on the land, for example, strengthens a bond. Exchanging a healing or transcendent tattoo for money that I then pay a stranger with to do work on the land does nothing but furthers the purely transactional and self-serving nature of our reality.
Offerings of value should be discussed ahead of the tattooing rite, and agreed on by both parties. The offering should be accessible to you, the tattooee, but should also indicate the extent of the work expected to be done by me, the tattooer.
#Tattooing #Tattooer #Tattoo #RitualTattoo #SacredTattoo #Pagan #Paganism #Occult #OccultTattoo
Chapter six of Virtually Real: being in cyberspace is up today at my blog at https://ooze.net/virtually-real-being-in-cyberspace/6-virtual-reality/. You can follow my blog at @ooze
In this chapter I truly become one with my avatar as he is framed for murder. This disorder has fatal consequences. Are we our avatars or are they us? Is it avatars all the way down?
#VideoGames #gaming #religion #Egypt #Philosophy #SecondLife #cyberspace #pagan #magic #occult
vision by #GPT3 and me
in 2047 chimeras were a peaceful people, and they used their advanced abilities to help others and improve the world around them. They were able to cure diseases, repair damaged ecosystems, and even bring extinct species back to life
image by #midjourney #stablediffusion and me
#cyborg #transhumanism #cybernetic #posthumanism #shamanism #occult #magick #singularity #technoshamanism #technopagan #biocomputer #biology #genetics #future #ai #aiart #artificialintelligence
working with #AI this morning to manifest a better future for humanity
story by #GPT3 and me
art by #midjourney and me
#artificialintelligence #afrofuturism #afrofuture #pygmy #spirituality #occult #cybernetic #cyborg #transhumanism #posthumanism #africa #nature #psychedelic #DMT #future #earth #gaia
📚 🔖
Starting a thread to share books and reading recommendations for all things pagan, witchy, and occult. Please respond to this post with any titles you'd recommend or want to share, and #boost for visibility. Bonus internet points if you include a summery or start a discussion about the reading materials too! 🤓
#pagan #witch #witchy #wicca #magick #thelma #spirtuality #druid #tarot #astrology #heathen #KitchenWitch #occult #reading #BookList #MastodonReads #ReadingList #Recommendation #ff #followfriday
I'm an Enby ND #Nerd who enjoys the darker side of life: #Horror books and movies, #Plushie pals (especially bats, owls, goats, etc), #ScienceFiction (especially #Dystopian), #Folklore, #Urbex, #Darkwave #Music, #AncientHistory, the #Occult, etc. I established this account to focus on stuff I enjoy, as opposed to my activist account. Hoping to find some like-minds here, without scaring them off with all my Doom & Gloom posts.
#Introduction #intro #intropost
Hi, I'm the happy leftist (she/they/it/slut). I don't exist according to Prager U. Here to laugh, be silly, make friends, be lewd and spread leftist propaganda. I come bearing gifts. #memes #porn
Also #anarchism #socialism #antifa #ACAB #BLM #LGBTQ #queer #bisexual #NonBinary #genderfluid #xenogender #neurodivergent #ADHD #ExMormon #agnostic #pantheism #polytheism #paganism #mythology #occult #spirituality #tarot #poetry #SciFi #horror #language #linguistics #philosophy #absurdism
Violet Mary Firth, later known as Dion Fortune, was one of the most formidable occultists of her day. Her work was an important influence on many Neo Pagans, most notably Gerald Gardener, but also on others later such as Druids Isaac Bonewits and John Michael Greer. She was an interesting mix of clairvoyant medium and university trained psychologist and, I argue, much of her work was remarkably shamanistic in character.
Hello all,
I've assembled all my August 2023 #writever #writing as a single article on on my website at https://aribaud.net/albert/en/writever-august-2023/
That's one #ScienceFiction, #Fantasy #Fantastique, #FairyTale, or #Occult...ish #ShortStory per day, for 31 days!
#Boost, #Comment, #Critique welcome as usual.
Thanks to @k_tastrof who created and manages the #writever challenge, both on Twitter and here!