Happy you like it Roxxy. ♥️
Spotted on @verge newsletter:
#opensource #productivity #omnivoreapp #tts #audio #listen
Spotted in the Verge newsletter 😍
Link to article: https://www.theverge.com/24197282/cmf-phone-1-diggnation-galaxy-ring-installer-newsletter
#opensource #omnivoreapp #readlater #theverge #productivity
@Marco_Mindstone made a short video about using the #Omnivore plugin in #Obsidian.
Check it out: https://buff.ly/4bECtwz
Our community member, Riiku, dove into a research rabbit hole and returned to tell us what he found about using Omnivore with alternative search engines.
Over the years, some 100 people have translated the entire “Iliad” into English. The latest of them, Emily Wilson, explains what different approaches to one key scene say about the original, and the translators.
#opensource #history #omnivoreapp #readlater #rss #translation
Does our digital data have an indefinite shelf life?
More https://buff.ly/3KaKnlO
#omnivoreapp #readlater #opensource
"Feedback loop for reading: one reads differently if one is mindful of the possibilities of the Zettelkasten process - not: excerpts!"
Find more about Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten in Jillian Hess's newsletter.
#zettelkasten #omnivoreapp #notetaking #obsidian #logseq #newsletter #pkm
YouTube transcripts, Notion integration, AI-enabled daily digests, and an API client are the latest updates on Omnivore. Check out the details in our blog article:
#omnivoreapp #notion #productivity #opensource #ai #api #youtube #transcripts
Great review of Omnivore by @amerpie
Check it out: https://buff.ly/4dNEU21
#opensource #omnivoreapp #readlater #productivity
We always like to see how others are integrating Omnivore into their workflows.
Discover how @amerpie is using it.
#omnivoreapp #obsidianmd #opensource #productivity #readitlater
With this program, you can create an epub from your unarchived Omnivore items.
Find it on Github: https://github.com/agrmohit/omnivore-epub
Great work by @agrmohit and
Zsolt Botykai.
Last year we added multiple highlight colors on the web. You can import those colors into your @obsdmd vault with a custom template. Check our guide for details 👉 https://buff.ly/3x50aPS
Recommendation from the Omnivore community:
Wanted to learn Egyptian and didn’t know where to start?
The new website by Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a good starting point.
How to combine @FreshRSS and @omnivoreapp to have a curated reading experience. Our community member Riiku explained how to set everything in this article:
"Technology can realize greatly intensified forms of continuous democratic participation, but such applications must be openly developed and publicly owned."
via @NoemaMag
#omnivoreapp community #opensource #democracy #readitlater #rss
With this extension, you can have access to Omnivore’s features directly into Raycast.
“For decades, the floppy has been a quiet mainstay in DIY-driven media, especially in lobit subculture, which celebrates low-bitrate music as a form of art and practicality. The added fact that floppies aren’t made for long-term storage also forces their users to confront the transience of art and information in the face of time and decay.”
An Omnivore community recommendation, via @verge
#omnivoreapp #floppydisk #music #indie #opensource #readitlater
In Android, you can move an item to the "Archive" by swiping "left to right", and you can move to "Trash" by swapping "right to left".
More: https://blog.omnivore.app/p/new-year-two-contests-and-app-updates
#android #omnivorefeature #omnivoreapp #bookmarks
This first Spring month brings an improved web interface with:
* a new Add button;
* a new Delete action based on Rules;
* a faster highlight mode;
* a new hover action;
* and sloths.
Find all updates in our article 👉 https://buff.ly/3TvLbY8
#omnivoreapp #productivity #bookmarks #newsletter #readitlater #opensource #rss
A search engine for blogs and podcasts? Yes, please!
An Omnivore community recommendation.
#rss #omnivoreapp #newsletter #feeds #opensource #community #indieweb
While reading on the web interface you can open the original link by pressing the letter "O".
#omnivorefeature #omnivoreapp #readitlater #bookmarks
When reading PDFs on the Omnivore web you can use the keyboard shortcuts:
'u': up (go back to the library)
'e': archive this document
'#': delete this document
'h': highlight selected text (if any text is selected)
't': open sidebar
'i': edit document info
#omnivorefeature #omnivoreapp #pdf #reading #research #opensource
You can pin up to five searches from your labels or saved searches. Under “Account” find the “Pinned Searches”, enable it, and select five items to pin.
On the web, in the “... “(3 dots) menu, you can find the “Edit Metadata” section where you can edit the title, author, description, and publication date.
ReInk App is a frontend optimized for E-Ink devices, built on top of Omnivore. The colors, fonts, and layout are optimized for e-ink. Also, you have paginated navigation.
Check it out here: https://github.com/kebot/reink.app
Here’s a brief demo from Jackson, founder of Omnivore, about ReInk: https://www.loom.com/share/d8612bd6098946518f52db3f3c626b11