Hands down one of the best Tiny Desk Concerts I've ever watched.
#Music #NPR #TinyDeskConcert #Juvenile #MannieFresh #TromboneShorty #JonBatiste #HipHop #Rap #TinyDesk
Hands down one of the best Tiny Desk Concerts I've ever watched.
#Music #NPR #TinyDeskConcert #Juvenile #MannieFresh #TromboneShorty #JonBatiste #HipHop #Rap #TinyDesk
Challenge pour 2025 chaque dimanche un morceau de #rap marseillais de la période 1997 - 2003. On commence l'année avec un monument issu de l'album L'école du micro d'argent d'IAM : Demain c'est loin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaqLOsO6dTw&ab_channel=IAMOfficiel #mastoradio #Marseille 1/52
Colocou um sorriso no meu rosto faço com carinho 🥰
Para quem quiser conferir minhas playlists, fica o link Tem MUITO material legal de inúmeros gêneros (#rock #metal #eletronicMusic #trance #jazz #blues #brasileira #insturmental #covers #rap #house ...) 😀 poderia estar um teco mais organizado, tem umas playlists que deveriam estar privadas (o padrão é público) e outras não evoluíram. Mas tá bem suave, algumas até com capa e dá pra aproveitar muito.
#music #musica #spotify #streaming #musiQuinta #playlist
@sinjoror https://conversafiada.net/@sinjoror/113543020076193893
Imagens da câmera de segurança da loja Oxxo, onde um PM executou o sobrinho do rapper Eduardo Taddeo com oito tiros no último domingo, mostram os disparos sendo dados pelas costas. O fato é ignorado no Boletim de Ocorrência. O rapaz assassinado estava desarmado. Com ele foram encontrados apenas um cartão do SUS, dois pedaços de papel e duas fotografias (íntegra na bio ou nos stories)
The more I discover about MF Doom, the more I like.
Bonjour tout le monde ! Je me paye le luxe de m'introduire sur ce serveur !
Cela fait plus d'un an que je suis sur Mastodon, j'aime bien ça !
Je suis jeune, peut être le plus jeune sur ce réseau de... d'anciens 😘
J'aime bien l'informatique, le rap, la lecture.
Je viens de Mulhouse.
Mon rêve serait d'être pilote de pirogue (pk pas hein)
La politique et autres soucis de société m'intéresse autant que le nom de ton cousin au 3ième degré.
A plus !
#introduction #rap #mulhouse
Oh look, it's that Radio Irrtum! guy with his lengthy announcements again…
Better don't read it!
↓↓↓ German version far below the English one ↓↓↓
Oh yes, RADIO IRRTUM! is around the corner, specifically at Saturday, 2024-08-03 at 8:00PM (UTC+2) at Alex Berlin/FM 91 MHz/DAB+ Ch.7D, or via stream: https://www.alex-berlin.de/radio/15-live-auf-91.0
Why? What?! #Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastnesses of the underground. Emitted transmissions may raise your attention for new unheard #music all over the genre spectrum all over the planet. But… in German?! Well - forget about that German language aspect - it's all about the music!
This time there will be...
- oldskuhl #Rap
- 80s tape-style #futurePhunk
- #LofiIDM beats
- modern #DnB
- super deep #Dub
- #experimental #accordion electronics
- experimental jazz
- Italian phemale #HardcorePunk
- #EggPunk
- Polish sleeping room #Punk
- trippy #shoegaze
Oh yes, that will be a most ear pleasuring ride :)
Lot's of Creative Commons licensed content will be played as well as Fediverse artists like the unmatched experimental musician @anja or music released at the wonderful also experimental netlabel @kamizdat from Slovenia.
I'll post playlist + manuscript later here (provided I’m home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions? I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
CU all on Saturday! :)
↑↑↑ English version above, the German one is still below ↓↓↓
Kinders, es ist schon wieder soweit:
Radio Irrtum! kommt. Diesen Samstag, 20 Uhr über Alex Berlin auf UKW 91MHz/DAB+ K.7D (Stream URL oben).
Die Radiosendung, in der wir zusammen die Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforschen. Praktisch ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.
Will heißen:
U.a. geben sich Bernhard Brink und LL "I need love" Cool J die Klinke in die Hand. I'm not even kidding. Des weiteren gibt es noch Zeug, was klingt, als wäre ein Tape aus den 80ern kaputt gegangen, IDM Beatz, DnB, Bass, Dub, Experimentelle Akkordeon-Elektronik, experimental Jazz, Frauen aus Italien machen Hardcore Punk, dem gegenüber wird polnischer Schlafzimmerpunk stehen und Shoegaze darf auch nicht fehlen.
Im Grunde braucht Ihr gar nicht einzuschalten, denn damit ist ja alles gesagt.
Ansonsten ist natürlich (!) das Fediverse vertreten (s.o.), Creative Commons ist dabei - u. Genregrenzen werden grazil eingerissen.
Playlist + Manuskript nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens am Sonntag)!
Bis zur Sendung… vielleicht? :)
PS damn. Second try. Had to "delete end edit", because wrong attachment. Sorry for scaring the f... out of you!
New instance, new #introduction
I'm NaClKnight. A #PCGaming convert. I play fighting games (#FGC), RPGs, and #Halo mostly but I'll try just about anything. I build and sell #DesktopPCs and will always offer help or advice if you want it.
I write (mostly) fiction (peep the link in my bio), post gameplay to YouTube, and talk a whole lot. I'm extra, extroverted, a socialist, and hype AF. I love hearing why you like the things you like and what has shaped you and your tastes.
I'm Black AF (shoutout to #BlackMastodon #blackFedi #BlackTwitter), American, straight, cis, and a well intentioned dude who's happily married. Some posts will be lewd or #NSFW but I'll CW them as necessary.
The chattiest Mechanical #Engineer you know. So let's talk about #anime #comics #NBA #NFL #MMA #UFC #HipHop, #Rap or #Boxing
Also i got diagnosed #ADHD fr fr. Like, I'm #ActuallyADHD and shit. Ch'boy is a lil #neurodivergent
Don't be shy; holla at'cha boy
♥️ Artist: #SebasVelasco in City: #London #Brixton /Cobbett Street, SW8 (Broadstone House) / UK 🇬🇧 2024 - Title: "'A Lasting Place" - (📷 by #JoseDelou ) - #Art #Streetart #Rap #LoyleCarner #Mural #BlackMastodon #Artist
BoykottOne & Tannu - Nie wieder ist jetzt
According to Billboard, Macklemore's Palestine anthem Hind's Hall charts as the #2 Rap song in the world.
Pis toi ⁉️
"What you gonna do when the grid goes down?
What you gonna do when the grid goes down?
What you gonna do when the grid goes down?
The grid goes down! The grid goes down!"
Public Enemy - GRID (Audio) ft. Cypress Hill, George Clinton (2020)
꧁༺ 𝓣𝓸𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓭 ༻꧂
Death Grips - Guillotine (It goes Yah) (2011)
#rap #experimental #noise #electro #music #musique #pouetradio #radiopouet #dosedegras #np
Very warm recommendation to watch this 40-minute 1986 #music #documentary on #hiphop and #rap filmed in #NewYorkCity: Big Fun in the Big City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZHbaa8_TpY #bronx #harlem #beatboxing #mcing #scratching #breakdance #nostalgia #80smusic
Aus aktuellem Anlass (und schon wieder #LateToTheParty 🥳) mein #OldieButGoldie #Antifasticker, leider ohne Reim aber immerin #cute ^__^
#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #CharacterDesign #süss #NoAFD #NieWiederIstJetzt #FightFascism #LoveMusic #antifa #antifascist #AlwaysAntifascist #ekelfhAFD #FCKAFD #Music #Hiphop #Rap #Boombox #Oldschool
📍 Lugar de las tunas de piedra.
⚛️ Candidato a doctor en ciencias con una tesis sobre #transporteCuántico;
👨🏫 Ayudante de profesor en la #UNAM
💻 me interesa mucho el #softwareLibre y trato usarlo lo más que se puede;
fascinado con el #fediverso;
🎵 Hace años escuchaba exclusivamente #metal y sus derivados. Ahora escucho #musica de todo tipo, en particular mucho #rap militante con R de revolución.
📚 Me encanta leer #fantasia #cienciaficcion #historia #filosofia #educacion #novelaHistorica. Miembro de #comeLibrosClub, instancia de #bookwyrm. Sígueme: geras@comelibros.club
🎦 Disfruto ver #documental #musical #animacion #suspenso
🎙️ Escucho #podcast de #noficcion mientras lavo trastes. Posiblemente algo de #DianaUribe o #MikeDuncan;
🎮 A veces juego #NintendoSwitch #pokemon #plataformas #RPG #terror #indie
🏴 Socialista libertario
Constantemente aprendido.
"Boycott Qatar World Cup 2022"
#qatar #WorldCup #CoupeDuMonde #football #rap
https://youtu.be/3DvvdRBlUQU via @YouTube@twitter.com
Et si on découvrait un peu plus BACKXWASH cette après-midi ? 🖤
"Née à Lusaka, en Zambie et basée à Montréal, la rappeuse et productrice BACKXWASH travaille dans les genres horrorcore, rap et métal industriel, et aborde de nombreux thèmes à l'intersection de la foi, de l'identité et de l'homosexualité."
#dosedegras #horrorcore #rap #metal #lgbtq #RadioPouet #pouetradio #np
Radio Irrtum! Shameless announcement
↓↓↓ German version far below the English one ↓↓↓
RADIO IRRTUM! is back again! \o/
Tonight, 2023-10-28 at 8:00PM (UTC+2) at Alex Berlin/FM 91 MHz/DAB+ Ch.7D, or via stream: https://www.alex-berlin.de/audio/radio-livestream
#Radio Irrtum! is my German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastnesses of the #underground. Don't mind the German language aspect - it's a show to raise your attention for new unheard #music all over the genre spectrum from all over the world - the music makes all the difference in the end.
This time we'll have something like a focal point on weird electronic music from unusual times on unusual instruments: A) from 1970s India, recently (re)discovered and released. And B) new (!) music played on the super rare "Subharchord" developed in 1959 in East Germany.
So all in all there will be…
- #Pop (80s style and Dream Pop)
- #lofi #Rap from down under
- Clubby #Bass something
- #EBM like its 1981 in Düsseldorf
- Psychedelic Stoner Rock from Hungary
- Strange #avantgarde om Waits style instrumental stuff
- #Electronics from India 1970
- Electronics on a super rare GDR instrument
- lots of #Punk
- #Mexican Schlager (?) kinda something
Friendly shouts to @firefly, @groschi@elefant.onetwoxu.de, and @dlikdh for good recommendations which made it more or less directly into the show! Your good taste in music may be blessed!
As always I'll post the playlist afterwards here (provided I’m at home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions about the music – I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
C U all tonight! :)
↑↑↑ English version above, the German one is still below ↓↓↓
F__k me sideways, Radio Irrtum! ist wieder da!!
Heute Abend, 20 Uhr über Alex Berlin auf UKW 91MHz/DAB+ Ch.7D (Stream URL oben).
Radio Irrtum! ist meine Radiosendung, in der wir zusammen die Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforschen. Diesmal gibt es sowas wie einen Schwerpunkt in obskurer elektronischer Musik aus vergangenen Zeiten (Indien 1970) oder auf "vergangenen" ultrararen Instrumenten (Subharchord). Im Großen und Ganzen ergibt das dann…
- Pop
- Rap
- Clubby Bass Zeugs
- EBM wie 1981 in Düsseldorf
- Psychedelic Stoner Rock
- seltsame instrumentale Avantgardmusik
- Elektronik aus Indien von 1970
- neue Elektronik auf einem alten DDR-Instrument
- Haufenweise Punk
- Mexikanisch Schlagerartiges
Grüße oben, Playlist nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) genau hier. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens am Sonntag)!
Bis heute Abend! :)
[Note: There is a file space issue currently on my Misskey instance: Can't upload my animated logo. Will do that anyway as a comment from my other Fediverse account.]
Hallo. Hello!
I am Aissam and new on mastodon.
(Little disclaimer, my english is not that good, sorry for mistakes)
I live in #germany and I am into few topics:
#anime ( #fairytail #blueexorcist #chainsawman) #marvel #nintendo #pokemon #acnh #rpg #manga #music #rap #rock #art #japan #twewy and #beatbox
I am new here and I write mostly in german, but you can follow me as well when u speak english. Certainly I feel little bit lonely so I hope I find few cool people.
Bye! 🌻