The Who Dunnit #pinball machine slot machine reel project appears to be a success. This part seems to be difficult to find around here and even when repros are available in the US, these cost over $100 to import here, which I find a bit steep for a plastic piece this simple, so I made my own.
I'll release a video soon about the whole project and how the finished product looks installed in the game.
The model is now available here for #3dprinting:
"#Repair vouchers, which give people 50% off the cost of repairing broken electrical items, will be available from next month in a trial across #NorthLondon. If it is successful, advocates hope it will be rolled out nationwide...A similar scheme in Austria, initiated by the climate ministry, has had a huge impact, with 1.5m repair vouchers used at 3,000 #RepairShops since ... 2022. Experts estimate it has saved about 4,000 tonnes of #EWaste."
New video! Trying to repair a 250469 Revision B Commodore 64 board with some interesting faults.
#Commodore64 #C64 #Repair #Troubleshooting #BlankScreen #Commodore #DeadTest #DesTestMAX #Diagnostics #RetroComputing #VintageComputing
I impulse bought an Apple IIe Joystick on evilBay from the UK. 🇬🇧 "Untested, no returns."
Opened it up for cleaning - sure enough, someone already had a go at it. At first sight only some wires were snapped. Soldered them back, but the directions were reversed. Up was down, left was right, and vice versa.
Lots of head scratching later it dawned on me - if the axes are swapped, the directions are "reversed" on the pots. 🤦♂️ Corrected everything, it's working now!
In order to prepare my #textile #repair classes, I made a #visiblemending swatchbook. Its been a while that I wanted to have one object to show specific repairs when people ask what is possible to do with their damaged garments.
Before starting online classes, I will first see how the first class goes. Here's the programme:
Course 1/4: simple sewing stitches
Course 2/4: Darning and patches
Course 3/4: Knitwear repair level 1
Course 4/4: Knitwear repair level 2
I will give these classes in #brussels #bruxelles at the textile #fablab @greenfabric in French (one on one translation in English could be possible but the main explanations will be in French).
More info here:
Book cover showcases the super Banana font by @clara__bgn 💜
Someone sent me an Orange Pi 5 Pro the other day for repair and sadly I was not able to fix it, thought the issue was quite obvious.
RK806-1 PMIC not only blew up - it catched fire and welded itself to the board so badly that I was unable to remove it. It also took an SY8089AAC with it.
How did that happen? He used a DC-DC step-down converter. No idea why and how, but I''d avoid using those converters at all costs.
#sbc #orangepi #repair #electronics #soldering #electronicsrepair
I'm trying to revive an old Asus Z9200U i found.
CPU: Sempron 3100+
GPU(?): SIS M661
RAM: 512MB
Display: 15.4" WXGA
Wifi: 802.11b/g
I currently have it running Void Linux, but the graphics don't play well. And i can't set the resolution the way i want it.
Anyone have suggestions as to what i can do to squeeze every last drop out of this machine?
Or at least to get the graphics to work better in Void.
#void #voidlinux #linux #oldcomputer #oldcomputers #repair #ewaste #ewastereduction #stopEwaste #sempron #AsusZ9200UU
New video! Replacing the broken fan in my ZD-915 desoldering station and performing some upgrades.
#ZD915 #DesolderingStation #Mods #Repair #LabGear #Electronics #Tinkering
"If you couldn’t replace the tires in your car, you wouldn’t buy a car.
But overwhelmingly, lithium batteries have become glued in, and that’s just not viable.
Right now, the lifespan of a thing is the life of the shortest-lived component: the battery."
- @kwiens
Full article:
#iFixit #ewaste #repair #RightToRepair
Spotify killed the Car Thing, but they don't have to die! When a company like Spotify decides to generate huge amounts of unnecessary e-waste, the community steps in to save them from the landfill.
Image credits:
DeskThing (Dammit Jeff on YouTube)
GlanceThing (GlanceThing on GitHub)
#spotify #SpotifyWrapped #ifixit #ewaste #trash #hacking #repair #righttorepair
We have 55” Aldi Bauhn ATVUHD55-1216 TV that’s lost its backlight - you can still see the logo when you turn it on, in the right light, and audio still works. It’s been replaced already, so no need for us to keep it. Some enterprising person may be able to fix it, otherwise it’s going in hard rubbish after Xmas. Seems like a shame, I’d rather it was repaired and went on to have a happy life elsewhere except I don’t have the time or inclination to do it myself. Located in eastern suburbs of Melbourne so local pickup only. I will not ship. It still has its original box too! PM me if you’re interested. #repair #free #melbourne
New video! Troubleshooting and repairing a Commodore 64 that allegedly got damaged by over voltage. Some red herrings occurred.
PeerTube: (coming soon)
#Commodore #Commodore64 #C64 #OverVoltage #Troubleshooting #Repair #RetroComputing #VintageComputing
New video! Building and testing the new DesTestMAX test cartridge for the Commodore 64/128.
#C64 #C128 #Commodore #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #DesTestMAX #TestCartridge #RAMTest #Troubleshooting #Repair
Another "blue screen of life"! #InTheLabDoingStuff #Commodore64 #Repair #RetroComputing #VintageComputing
New video! Trying to resurrect a badly corroded Amiga A501 RAM Expansion.
#Amiga #A500 #Amiga500 #Commodore #A501 #RAMExpansion #BatteryDamage #Corrosion #Repair #Restoration #Varta #GetTheDamnBatteriesOut #VintageComputing #RetroComputing
New video! Trying to fix a vintage Dual CT-110 Tuner I found on the side of the road.
#Dual #Tuner #VintageHifi #VintageAudio #CT110 #DualCT110 #Repair #Restoration #TrashPick #DumpsterDiving #RIFACapacitor
Durch die immer höheren Systemanforderungen neuer Betriebssysteme und das Ausbleiben von Updates, gehören viele PCs schlagartig zum Elektroschrott. Oft sind teure Neuanschaffungen notwendig.
Beides muss nicht sein!
Dieses Notebook bekommt das neueste #LinuxMint aufgespielt und kann somit noch über Jahre weiter genutzt werden. Ganz nebenbei punktet das neue System auch in Sachen #Datenschutz.
Hier geht es zum Beitrag:
New video! Addressing the flaws that my "Classic Amiga 500" build had and finishing the project (for now).
#Amiga #Commodore #A500 #Amiga500 #Case #Enclosure #Repair #LEDs #Keyboard #RetroComputing #VintageComputing
New video! Trying to fix a Digitech Bad Monkey guitar effect pedal that suffered some nasty battery leakage.
#BadMonkey #Stompbox #GuitarFX #Digitech #Pedal #Repair #BatteryLeakage #Corrosion #Overdrive #TubeScreamer
My mobile (Oneplus 7Pro bought second hand 5 years ago) is finally on its last legs. Bluetooth is proving very unreliable and I can't find a replacement part for it anywhere. This phone has already had a couple of replacement ports, battery, screen and rear cover, so I think that I've kept it alive long enough.
I'm pretty sure that my next mobile will be a Fairpphone 5. Second hand form CEX as almost all of my tech comes from. #Repairable #reuse #repair #secondhand
We all love @ifixit Pro Tech Toolkit, but what if I showed you a kit that is 1/2 the price? Today I compare the $74 iFixIt kit with the $37 Harbor Freight Quinn Professional Electronics Repair Kit. @Mac84 even stops by to give his thoughts
Trying to #repair a motherboard.
#Schematics don't exist. Similar schematics are stuck behind paywalls on random forums which barely make it alive.
This is a tragic state of affairs: this information doesn't cost anything extra to produce and costs peanuts to distribute. Hell, often it's hard to get datasheets for electronics you want to integrate in your own products.
Manufacturers should be required to disclose schematics with what they sell. Stop the cat in a bag market.
Do I know any #zipdrive experts? I have two USB zip drives (100 megabytes). On both as soon as I power them on the green and amber lights turn on, and stay on. There's a second amber led on the PCB which flashes irregularly.
The device doesn't enumerate as a USB device at all, it appears entirely dead. The eject button similarly does nothing.
Does anyone know of any common board level issues with these devices?