When #tuxfamily is down again ...
#introduction #7thDecadeTransition #Twospirit #Mystic #musician #Poet #gardener #LoverOfChilies #Pitta #INFP #ecumenical #Buddhist #Vedanta #Sufi #Satanan #BuJew #SeekerOfUnity #Merton #SAD #BiPolar #MTHFR #MitochondrillyMindful #Photography #Dance #SingerSongwriter Lover of Coffee Dogs and some cats #Hermit #Heretic #Permaculture #MoonChild #Pagano
where are they?
oh i forgot, "they" are just my imaginary friends. 😢 (hugs my cats instead)
Send/Drop sum Hugs/Love or anything is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED 🥺
#Mastodon #Fediverse #sad #Birthday #october #secretsanta #help #kindnessmatters #bekind #today #BoostMe
I'd like to go
To the place where
Hopes and dreams
And love
Lives forever,
And slow
Dance with you
As the sun sets
Time out along the horizon,
Enumerating once and future possibilities
#poem #poetry #writing #love #dreams #losthorizons #endings #time #breakup #sad #sadpoem #sadpoetry #brokenheart #melancholy
Hoy es el Día del #AuxiliarDeEnfermería.
El Servicio de Atención a Domicilio (SAD) para personas dependientes empeora cada vez más por su privatización. Unas pinceladas de nuestra situación y las reivindicaciones de sus trabajadoras - auxiliares de enfermería #TCAE y cuidadoras profesionales - como la remunicipalización, contadas por una usuaria (servidora).
#308 #SAD, una atención cada vez más triste 🐺 https://domandoallobo.blogspot.com/2024/07/308-sad-una-atencion-cada-vez-mas-triste.html #dependencia #blog #mastoblogs #mastobloggers #Mastobloguers
No fireworks for us
Preparing to say goodbye
And cremate our friend...
#dailyhaikuprompt - fireworks
#MastoPrompt - cremate
#dog #dogs #doggo #doglovers #doglover #rainbowbridge #grief #death #pets #dogsarefamily #family #furbabies #fur #labrador #labradorretriever #yellowlab #woof #pup #pups #puppy #puppies #sad #sadness #animal #animals #animallover #animallovers #life #home
We all know things are bad.
We all know the ecosystem is collapsing.
We all know that civilisation is collapsing.
I wrote a book about it, but I can not do much about it, save raising awareness about it and give suggestions as how to prepare both mentally and physically for things happening and things to come in the near future.
All this did not make me a happier person. It is making me sick and depressed.
To keep 'up-to-date' I, just as many others around here, follow the news about war, ecology, more war, crises, pollution and the proposed solutions out of the pipe of technology (techno-fixes).
That neither helps or gives any relieve.
Watching shit, makes you feel shit, like this article explains:
I decided to detox on this and to focus more on things I *can* do that have a positive effect on me and hopefully also on the world at large.
I have new project in mind that I will advertise here soon.
Watch this space and don't let yourself be inundated with shit.
#Sad #depressed #depression #collapse #crisis #Extinction #war #CrashCourse
Saw this cool hashtag #bloomscrolling and wanted to add some sunny #flowers to it. This is a small sample of the #wildflowers that grow on my land every year.
Before 2020 I used to like to take bouquets of them to the local nursing homes but lockdowns put a stop to that & now the admin. doesn't want them anymore. #sad
I wish I could have one printed, shipped and hung for every resident's room there to brighten their days.
Prints of this artwork can be found here>
I drew this to test the new inktober brushes in Krita (they are amazing)
#monochrome #urban #comics #sad #rain #ink #sketch #DigitalArt #krita #MastoArt
Me, during SAD season.
#domesticviolenceawareness #CPTSD #PTSD #traumahealing #depressionawareness #Anxiety #SAD #mentalhealthawareness