Tarantula Nebula NIRCam Image art print here : https://fineartamerica.com/featured/tarantula-nebula-nircam-image-nasa.html
#space #nasa #nebula fineart #art #wallart #inspiration #artforyourhome #mastoart
Tarantula Nebula NIRCam Image art print here : https://fineartamerica.com/featured/tarantula-nebula-nircam-image-nasa.html
#space #nasa #nebula fineart #art #wallart #inspiration #artforyourhome #mastoart
“In everyone’s pocket right now is a computer far more powerful than the one we flew on Voyager. I don’t mean your cell phone — I mean the key fob that unlocks your car.”
— Rich Terrile, JPL scientist and member of the Voyager imaging team
1/9 Martian Potato1 🧵
Animation of Phobos Over Mars: a time lapse from 2007 to 2021
Full size & info: https://flic.kr/p/2qREua9
Credit: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin/AndreaLuck CC BY
8 frames, captured by ESA Mars Express. It's stabilized on Phobos (Todd crater) to play with the disorienting effect.
All images below ⬇️
Check out also my Album about Phobos on Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvrQL
Curiosity Rover - Sol 4497: Yet More interesting rock textures in this Bayer reconstructed R-MastCam. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#Mars #Curiosity #MSL #MarsRover #NASA #Science #Space #Exploration #Solarocks
Curiosity rover used its arm mounted MAHLI camera to capture close up images of one of the knobby/bumpy rocks in its workspace on sol 4479. Attached is an animated GIF using three focus stacked images that were acquired by moving the rover's robotic arm between images. The camera standoff was 25/30cm from the target which provides us with an scene width of ~15cm. Credits:NASA/JPL-Caltech
#Mars #Curiosity #MSL #MarsRover #NASA #Science #Space #Exploration #Solarrocks
Here it is: The first clear image of an eclipse of the Sun by the Earth, taken from the surface of the Moon.
This is what last night's lunar eclipse looked like from the Blue Ghost lander's perspective on the Moon. Amazing!
https://www.flickr.com/photos/fireflyspace/54386246629/in/dateposted/ #space #science #art #tech
Curiosity Rover: A 'Bump' on sol 4478 'to get the rover in an ideal position to analyze and characterize a rock with a knobby/bumpy texture that appears quite different from the typical surrounding bedrock'. Post drive NavCam, Drive data & Traverse map (with scale). Image Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#Mars #Curiosity #MSL #MarsRover #NASA #Science #Space #Exploration #Solarrocks #Data #map
Probably about time for a new (re) #Introductions post to pin! Been bumbling around on Mastodon since November 2017 on one server or another, and happy to get cozy in a smaller server this time.
I’m not a heavy poster, but lean mostly towards #SciCom and pictures of the #critters and #wildlife I spot in my central Florida backyard or from adventures on my #camping trips.
I’m currently a #caregiver, formerly a professional #Library knowledge ninja. Strong believer in the #RightToRepair and lifelong #Sewcialist. I love fixing and mending things.
My #NeuroSpicy flavour is #80HD, so it may be unsurprising that my academic studies and interests are hella broad. I spend a lot of time digging into local ecology and #HabitatRestoration and preservation. I’m a #space and aeronautics nerd, but I'm also a #Polyglot with an academic background in #linguistics, adult literacy, and ESL. The other part of my academic background is the technical side of theatre.
If someone with time and smarts could briefly explain to me how Ganymede can have ice and water, but only has a fraction of Earth's gravity, I'd be grateful. Why doesn't the water drift away?
Towards #sustainable space #research in #France
During the 2024's quinquennial scientific roadmap of @cnes, a specific group worked on setting recommendations to decrease the #environmental footprint of #space #science activities.
Our correspondence to @NatureAstronomy highlights the efforts of the french space research to move towards sustainability. It relies on two complementary methods: decarbonisation and frugality.
Read more here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-025-02506-w (or here for full-text version: https://rdcu.be/ecSNp)
Cc @jknodlseder @didier_barret @academicchatter #academic
Computer simulations (left) show that galaxies live within a vast network of hidden strands that crisscross the universe -- the "cosmic web."
Now we can see the cosmic web for real! This filament (right) links two galaxies in the early universe.
https://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/1109034/news20250129 #science #space #astronomy #nature
I like this galaxy very much. However, I don't know if I like it because of its "grand design" or because it reminds me of The Time Tunnel. Yes, that ancient TV show in which Tony and Douglas were inevitably lost in time. (Never understood how the guys in charge could retrieve a massive mammut from the past, but not the pair of time travelers together). Anyway, this is M51, The Time Tunnel.
#astronomy #astrophotography #galaxy #space #nightsky #outdoors #Astrodon #stars #maelstrom #vortex
Curiosity's latest workspace imaged on mission sol 4471 (March 5, 2025 ) after a drive of 19.6 meters (64.4 ft). This composite image is roughly assembled from 15 overlapping L-MastCam subframe images, the images were Bayer reconstructed prior to assembly.
Image Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#Mars #Curiosity #MSL #MarsRover #NASA #Science #Space #Exploration #Solarrocks
Ariane 6 will be launching today, 6th of March at 15:55 UTC.
Good to sea a rocket that is European and not owned by awful people.
The same side of the Moon always faces Earth, but not in exactly the same way. Due to its tilted axis and elliptical orbit, we see about 59% of its surface over time. This simulation compresses a year into 60 seconds, making the Moon's apparent wobble, called libration, clearly visible.
Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio
Looks like the Moon is becoming the hottest neighborhood in space! 🌕 With Blue Ghost attempting landing today, we've got THREE lunar landers en route simultaneously - a cosmic first. At this rate, the Moon's going to need a traffic control tower. 🚦 Hope they remembered to pack their parking permits! #Space #MoonLanding
🚀 The Firefly Aerospace Moon Landing didn’t just prove private spaceflight works—it delivered 10 NASA instruments to unlock lunar secrets.
🌕 From regolith to space weather, this £70M+ mission fuels humanity’s lunar future.
Overdue #Introduction:
Hi, I am one of those computer touchers, located in #Berlin, in my late 20s, and this is my first time on any social media.
I have lots of interests (yes #ADHD), like #Vegan #Cooking, #Photography (often #Pets), anything #Space, #Gaming and #GameDev, recently #3DPrinting, trying to do good, the list goes on.
Really enjoying this online space so far, hope to meet and talk to more awesome people on here.
Also some sample pictures I like (with alt-text, of course).
This is the famous Horsehead and Flame nebulas. My HaRGB version of this region is one of my favorite images I have made, so I wanted to give it another go with a different color palette. This time I went with more of a SHO look and I quite like it!
Prints: https://briangweber.com/featured/horsehead-and-flame-in-sho-brian-weber.html
Details: https://www.astrobin.com/f7lnr4/
#astrophotography #photography #nebula #gold #horsehead #flame #space #astronomy
Free/libre software, hardware, and ideals is building the next Space Age. Here are this week's four free/libre space resources that are worth exploring:
Phobos over Mars
Full size 4000x1869: https://flic.kr/p/2qJrbGD
Processing: Andrea Luck CC BY
Raw images: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin
ESA Mars Express HRSC
Orbit 3868 2007-01-10
Filter S13 H3868_0000_S13.IMG
Colourised image using data processed from: https://psa.esa.int
B/W original image: https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2008/07/Phobos2
My album about Phobos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvrQL
Need more galaxies in your feed? Of course you do.
Over the break I made @ArpBot, mostly because I thought the name "Arp Bot" was funny.
It posts an image of a galaxy in Halton Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies twice a day. Images are from the archives of professional observatories and the original 1966 catalog. I curated the images and wrote the image descriptions and most of the alt text.
Give it a follow!
In der neuen Folge erzählt @pikarl vom Eiszeitproblem: Im 19. Jahrhundert wurde klar, dass Europa und Nordamerika mehrmals unter dicken Eisschilden verschwunden waren. Nur warum hatten die Eiszeiten begonnen und warum endeten sie auch jedes Mal wieder?
➡️ https://astrogeo.de/von-gletschern-und-gestirnen-die-entdeckung-der-milankovic-zyklen/
Gelöst hat das Problem der serbische Mathematiker Milutin #Milanković - und zwar während seiner Gefangenschaft in Ungarn und dank einer kosmischen Eingebung. 🌞 🌏 🌨️