#introduction Hi everyone, I joined a while ago, but didn’t give it much a go, but want to now. All other social media pisses me off. I’m active in #Druidry with #OBOD Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids I #read a pretty wide genre of #books - both #fiction and #nonfiction . I’m from #uk but now live in #tasmania #australia. I’m a retired #mentalhealth #nurse and keen at #photography - pictures to follow. @chestas (my husband) and I both love to #travel
Veil of Silence, 2024
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone on my #introduction!
Good to be here and thanks all the helpful advice!
Standing on top of the mountain range, above a blanket of clouds and under a fading twilight, is a moment I wont soon forget. After a couple of tough days pushing through dense scrub I wasn’t sure if I’d make it. Finally arriving and being treated to the best sunset of the trip was the perfect reward.
The trouble with ambitious #photography projects is they can become a bit like a curse. This is an image I’ve tried to capture 4 times across 3 years, and this – the second version – is still the best.
#astrophotography in some of the darkest skies on earth under #tasmania ‘s imposing Russell Falls in heavy flow was a hard thing to pull off. The window this shot works is only about an hour a night for a few weeks a year, and it’s rarely not cloudy.
Greetings Mestodon people!
It's #introduction time.
I'm a photographer based in Lutruwita / #Tasmania. The state of the environment is a mess, I shoot for a better tomorrow, for all the planet's inhabitants.
I'm drawn to the quiet places, the wild places and particularly Takayna / #Tarkine, a wild threatened region in the grasp of industry.
Through landscape, wildlife and activism imagery, I do what I can to produce meaningful work.
Let's connect.
Hi Mastodon, time for an #introduction !
With Instagram getting continually worse I thought I'd give this a go. Looks like a promising platform and I'm excited to see where it goes.
My name is Cru and I'm a landscape #photographer from Rainbow Beach, #Queensland #Australia
My photography is mostly #nature and #landscape images. I sell my images as prints and for licensed use. This past year, much of my images have been taken in #Tasmania.
My website can be found here https://cruscanlan.com
Ep 67 is out, looking at the UNESCO World Heritage listed Maria Island.
🎧 https://www.australianhistoriespodcast.com.au/67-maria-island/ 🎧
From it's aboriginal heritage, to use as a convict and then industrial site, to it's present day national park status - a rich interesting history.
#AustralianHistory #OzHist #AustralianPodcast #History #convicts #AustralianStories #MariaIsland #Tasmania #ConvictsTasmania #NationalParks
Today marks a full year we’ve been #LivingOnTheRoad. In that time, my wife, our cat Macsen—our other cat, Tommy, left us in January aged 17—and I travelled 13,374km up and down #Australia’s east coast, roughly equal to a third of the Earth’s circumference.
Last month’s #storms in #Tasmania wreaked havoc on our #caravan and cut our stay short, as we limp it back to NSW to the one place in the country that still services them. (1/2)
I was going to have this shot as my silent Sunday picture. I walked on a path at Wynyard and at 7.01am it was officially the time of first light.
So I prepared myself above the beach to take this shot when a little penguin ran to the edge of a bush and growled at me. This was followed by it scampering back into the bush and a lot of chittering.
So I quickly snapped a first light photo at 7.02am and left them to it.
Talk about not being a morning person....
#silentsunday #tasmania #lutruwita #seascape #penguin #animals
Here's that blog post with the full recap of my recent trip to #Hobart
There's a handful of photos in here that I'm really stoked on. 📸
I added all the camera and lens settings meta-data to each photo as best I could.
#Kunanyi #BatteryPoint #Tahune #SalamancaPlace #Snug #Kettering #SouthHobart #Tasmania #AdventureBay #Pademelon #Lighthouse #CatsOfMastodon #Blogging #SelfHost #SelfHosting #DSLR #PhotoDiary
Deosil is anticlockwise
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how the Sun travels through the sky, and specifically about which way it goes. In fact I wrote my Honours thesis about it, which I will put up here in the not too distant future. But I digress. The direction of the Sun’s movement is usually described as clockwise. But why is clockwise clockwise? Which is to say, why is the direction we call clockwise turning the way it is? No one will be surprised to know that clocks go that way because they are mimicking the direction of the Sun. This is based on a person facing the direction of the sunrise and seeing the Sun gradually move to their right over the course of the day; east, then southeast, then south, then southwest, then west. This direction is also referred to in English as deosil, a word with Gaelic roots. It is from from Old Irish, dess meaning right and sel meaning to turn.
However this situation does not obtain the planet over. Indeed where I live the Sun absolutely does not do this. My Sun rises in the east and then moves northeast, then north, then northwest, then west. I remember trying to explain this to a bunch of northern hemisphere Pagans at a Glastonbury solstice vigil one time, and they fully thought I was mad. They were unable to separate the concept of deosil from that of clockwise for the same reason I was unable to reconcile what I saw when I looked at the sky with the representation of that sky on an astrological chart, i.e. it just didn’t look that way to me. It took me a very long time to learn any astrology because of this. My breakthrough came when I eventually found some astrological software that had a feature to display the chart wheel as it appears in the southern hemisphere. It was a revelation. Suddenly the framework I had been taught to work with accurately reflected the reality of my sky, where deosil is anticlockwise.
So me and the bloke made a thing to help us austral dwellers see an astrological chart that shows our actual sky, with things moving in the direction they move for us. Here is a still from our real time, live updating chart for Hobart (42°52’48.0″S 147°19’01.2″E), Tasmania, Australia. You will have to go to the blog to see the actual live one.
Read the rest of this piece at;
P.S. If anyone knows how to italicise text in a toot please let me know.
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 24
Smoke on the Water
One of my very early attempts at a long exposure. The colours are a mix of smoke from fire hazard reduction burns, and sparse clouds.
📷 TTArtisans 1.4/17mm
#photography #LongExposure #coastal #reflection #sunset #tasmania #TTArtisans
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 23
Moon light on the beach path after sunset.
📷 Samyang 2/12mm
#photoart #LongExposure #MoonLight #coastal #sunset #reflections #tasmania #photography
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 19
Stay Calm and Carry On
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 18
Saturday's sunrise did the nice cloud thing. Natural colours sooc.
📷 Jupyter-37A 3.5/135mm
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 10
Several native plants in Tassie have spiky leaves.
The flush of red caught my eye on this small specimen.
📷 Takumar 1.8/55mm
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 5
Sunset through the She-Oaks
Walking back from the shoreline before dark, turned on the path to look back at the sunset. Glad I did.
📷 Takumar 1.8/55mm
#photography #sunset #silhouette #tasmania #takumar #VintageLens
#ArtAdventCalendar - Day 2
Aurora Australis from last night.
I can't keep you all waiting for the time lapse sequence, here's a sneak peak.
📷 Samyang 2/12mm, 500+ captures at iso2500, 20 seconds, f2.8
#photography #aurora #AuroraAustralis #SouthernLights #tasmania #samyang
#Anticapitalist activists in #Hobart, #Tasmania, planted labels in the aisles of #Coles and #Woolworths, #Australia’s two largest #supermarket chains. [1/3] #subvertising #protest
A few mid-afternoon shots of the rocks along the east cost of Tasmania. The orange is a lichen that grows all along the east coast, an provides some amazing colour contrast against the blues and greens of the sea.
Reposting my #introduction since I've moved over to @hcommons.social
Um, hullo?
I'm a historian (or #histodons, adorable) on the small(ish) island of #Tasmania, at the bottom of Australia. I grew up here and occasionally like to go awandering, but do so love this island a lot.
I research colonial landscapes, particularly in the early years of a colony – I'm interested in how colonisers interpreted the land and adapted to it. Most of my work so far has looked at Tasmania, but I'm starting to branch out. I am a teeny bit of a map nerd, and am keen to find my fellow #HGIS and #GIS friends out here.
And this is one of my favourite maps, purely for the details on the illustration. #mapmonstermonday ain't got nothing on the wild creatures of Tasmania.
Tas Archives, AF396/1/114
Hi! My name's Cheese. I make games, write long-form articles, do art, take photos, and make friends with animals here in #Lutruwita/ #Tasmania, Australia.
I do all my work on GNU/Linux, and I try to release and contribute to #FOSS / open culture projects when I can. From time to time, I port other people's games to #Linux, but I prefer to help set people up to support Linux themselves.
#introduction Hello, time to start using this site.
I recently moved to #tasmania and hope to share some of the island's beauty as I find it.
I'm spending a weekend away in #Hobart to play #chess, a subject I also hope to post about.
In the meantime, here's the beautiful Tamar #river which I passed today
Hi! I'm jade
I'm a #bi, #polyamorous #trans woman from the best little island on the planet (lutruwita/Trouwunna aka #Tasmania)
I've been a professional software dev since 2014, working mostly with #Django and #Python (and tinkering with F/LOSS in spare moments)
I'm also involved in environmental and social justice activism, and sit on my local council, as a Green councillor
I enjoy queer media, RPGs, lifting weights (and did karate for ~20 years)
Super friendly, so say hi! 💜