Didn't even know about this #TwitterMigration thing but it appeared naturally to my mind. Found Mastodon while just being curious about decentralized alternatives. I have to mention that this Musk thing raises some weird feelings. Anyway, ket's see how this place is! It's nice to read these instructions, so here's mine.
This is almost my first post in any social media platform, ever. I'm from Finland. My interests are many. I work at a niche infosec area. I'm a professional musician and guitar is my main instrument. I like to ponder about a latticework of things that feel like one big subject, dropping a few: nature of the self, consciousness, ecology (science of relationships in nature), cognitive biases, reason, science and why it produces superior knowledge, knowledge: what can be known, evolution, progress, the amount of stars in the observable galaxies, distances inside the universe, associations between anything, stupid jokes, arts, many kinds of literature, birdwatching, zen practice.
I try to think why this place feels intuitively interesting. Maybe it's the lack of the usual algorithms that make this feel somehow genuine or whatever. I like to play with the idea of following people based on their #introduction instead of some well-known people. Sure, the well-known often have a lot to say but because everyone sees the light, often the most interesting stuff is in the dark :)